Passenger Purpose and Responsible Party

Passenger Purpose and Responsible Party

This article will cover:

  • How to set the purpose for all passengers or select passengers on select legs of a trip.


For all passengers on all legs

When passengers are added to the manifest, the purpose for all legs can be set within the "Pax" tab. 

  1. Access the Pax tab within a trip

  2. Select the purpose in the drop-down for all legs

3. [Optional] Enter description
4. [Optional] Select responsible party. All leg boxes default as checked. If the responsible party is not for all legs, remove the check on the legs that do not apply
5. Click Save

Once saved, the passenger's purpose will be listed along with a description. The responsible party is listed as the host under each passenger's name.

For a specific passenger (for all legs or per leg)

  1. Select the applicable passenger. The Assign to All Legs box will be checked. 

  2. Select the purpose from the drop-down and click Add to Trip

3. To assign to specific legs, deselect the Assign to All Legs box and deselect the non-applicable legs
4. Select the purpose type from the drop-down and click Add to Trip

See also:

Ref: O-T28

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