The trip and flight leg search can be accessed Operations > Search.
The trip tab lists the route of the trip per row while the flight leg search page displays each leg per row. Each page contains various column and filter options that each user can customize, share and save.
Each user can order and set the columns to their preferred view. To do so, follow these steps:
Open the Display Column Settings by clicking on Display Columns
Add or remove applicable columns (search a word or x out what is set)
Click Search
Click Save (if the search needs to be referred to again)
5. Select Create New
6. Name the search
7. Save
Note: Option to share with colleagues by selecting the personnel's name or a group of colleagues by selecting the group. When the individual or group of individuals access their page, the search is under Searches Shared with Me.
Active trips in the previous quarter based on departure time by using the Departure Time Filter Custom = Previous quarter and Inactive = False.
2. Active Trips in the Future by using Departure Time more than 0 days and inactive = false.
3. Search by Trip Number. This searches the entire data base.
Active Flight Legs in the past and whether they've been flight logged or not.
Set the display columns to show the leg logged column. Additionally, there are columns such as estimated and actual flight time that can be helpful to add.
2. Departure Time is Less Than "0" days. That returns all flight legs in the past.
Legs logged in the previous month/quarter where leg status is not verified
Departure Time is previous month or quarter. That returns all flight legs for the designated time period.
Leg Logged = True
Leg status is not Verified
For a more detailed overview of all the search capability, refer to the Search Functions detailed guide.
Ref: O-O08