Logbook Version 2 Overview (V2)

Logbook Version 2 Overview (V2)

The original logbook model has been referred to as Version 1 (“V1”) and Version 2 (“V2”) is the new model. 

Why is the new model needed? 
Identified in 2020, the V1 model does not capture Pilot Flying so it makes assumptions on how it allocates PIC/SIC time. Additionally, there was no way to capture time that may have been spent Away from the Flight Deck. 

What to expect with V2?
  1. Adds the ability to designate Pilot Flying (PF) and Pilot Not Flying (PNF) hours for each crew member in the flight logs
  2. Adds distinction between ‘Flight Deck’ and ‘Away from Flight Deck’ time for augmented crews
  3. Increases visibility and functionalities for users for flight and crew logs 

Crew Personnel Profile Changes

The Crew Member's Profile has new displays and features:

Crew Info Tab

  1. Aircraft Type Assignment determine if a pilot may be crewed on an aircraft
  2. Aircraft Type Assignment screen has columns that display PIC Time and SIC Time in that type
Crew options are no longer driven by Training Programs

Logbook Tab Overview 

  1. Log Book tab will now display all logs:
    1. Flight Logs
    2. Crew (Simulator, Baseline) Logs
    3. FlightSafety (FSI) entries 
  2. Updated interface and advanced search
  3. Added columns ‘Type’, ‘Events’, and ‘Times’

  1. Ability to toggle ‘Exclude from Reg Checks’
  2. Ability to add times for generic aircraft types

Additional Crew Log Book Notes: 
  1. ‘Evaluator’ renamed to ‘Check Airman Time’ or CKA
  2. ‘Instructor’ renamed to ‘Instructor Pilot Time’ or IP

Crew Times

The Crew Times table is in the sidebar of a Personnel Profile.
  1. Baseline times are no longer entered from here, all baselines are to be entered through the Logbook tab. 
  2. The totals column displays a sum of all flight logs and crew logs, including baselines.

Trip Flight Log Changes

Flight logs have a number of new features and different functionalities:
  1. Ability to designate PF / PNF for each flight crew
  2. New crew position: ‘PIC Alt’
  3. When 3+ flight crew are assigned to a flight there is a new log field: ‘Away from Flight Deck’
  4. Ability to designate logs as ‘Engine Run Only’
  5. Generic ‘Precision Approach’ and ‘Non-Precision Approach’ are not supported

Additional Logbook Functions for V2:
  1. SIC earns all instrument time logged, even when PNF
  2. When ‘PIC Instrument’ time is earned, total ‘Instrument’ time will also be earned
  3. CKA (Check Airman) earns SIC time when PF
  4. IP (Instructor Pilot) earns SIC time when PF
For additional information: Crew Logged Time Breakdown

Other areas with changes

  1. Adding users to a training Program is no longer required to crew them on a flight;
    1. Crewing requirements are driven by the Aircraft Type Assignment for the aircraft 
  2. Regulation Sets (“Reg Sets”) can set requirements for Approaches, Holding, and Tracking events (Instrument Currency) 
    1. Events added to training items no longer have functionality
  3. New/alternative crew times reports and dashboards, custom reports built on V1 will not be supported  

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