Application Update (March 2021)

Application Update (March 2021)

The following areas of the Avianis Web Application have been updated:


Flight Leg Status

Feasibility Engine

Default Regulatory Set


Prop Time


Flight Leg Status

This feature allows an operation to set what roles can override and/or release flights at the leg level when there are warning hard stops or critical hard stops present. The same hard stop options available at the stage level are now available at the flight leg status level. Flight Leg Status: Setup and Use

Feasibility Engine

Paired with the Flight Leg Status feature, the feasibility update provides the same trip level stage checks and balances for the warning and critical items, but now pops up and display all checks specific to the leg.

Both updates, the leg status hard stops and feasibility checks support an operation in transitioning the release process from a trip level to a leg level.

Default Regulatory Set

Set a default Regulatory Set for when a quote and/or trip is created, a default regulatory set is applied and the applicable limitation and experience checks are done. Regulatory Sets: Application


Prop Time

This update allows for the ability to track the prop time in Avianis and the engine (prop) inspection items from the 3rd party maintenance tracking systems. Aircraft Setup: Add Aircraft Engines and Components

The following bugs were addressed:

Itinerary changes when choosing update all

Operations load time when connected to Quickbooks

Fleet Map and Dashboard tracking inconsistencies

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