Regulation Rule Sets: Application

Regulation Rule Sets: Application

This article reviews how to:

  • Set a default Company Regulation Rule set

  • Set a default Account Regulation Rule set

  • Set a default Aircraft Regulation Rule set

  • Apply a Regulation Rule Set to a trip and/or flight leg

  • Review the information provided by a Regulation Rule Set


Go to the Operations > Settings > Configuration page and access the Default Regulation Rule Set option.


Aircraft Level Application

Go to the Aircraft record and access the Default Regulation Rule Set drop down box in the overview section of the aircraft profile.

Click on the word Empty to access a list of active regulation rule sets. The selected default applies to both quotes and trips.

Account Level Application

Go to the Account > Overview tab and access the Default Regulation Rule Set option.

The default Regulation Rule set defaults to empty until set by a user. To set a default Regulation Rule set, click on empty. All active Regulation Rulesets are listed in alphabetical order. These come from Crew Records > Regulation Rule Sets. To remove the set selection, select N/A.

Application Considerations

When a quote is created:

  • If the account selected on the quote has a default Regulation Rule set selected, it automatically sets the default on the quote.

  • If a quote is created with an aircraft that has a default Regulation Rule set and there is no account default, then the quote selects the aircraft Regulation Rule set.

  • If the aircraft is changed after the quote is created and the aircraft it is changed to has a default reg set, the reg set on the quote updates to the default on the newly assigned aircraft as long as the account does not have a default selected. Same applies if the account on the quote is updated.

  • If both the account and aircraft do not have a default reg set, then the company level default is selected. If there is no company default, then it sets or resets to Empty.

When a trip is created:

  • When a quote is booked into a trip, the Regulation Rule set selected on the quote automatically applies to the trip overview and also applies to all of the legs on the trip.

  • When a trip is created using an aircraft with a default Regulation Rule set, and there is no account default Regulation Rule set, then the Trip automatically selects the default in the Regulation Rule Set field located in the trip overview and sets that same default Regulation Rule

  •  set on each of the flight legs.

  • If the aircraft on the trip is changed, either for the entire trip or individual legs, after the trip is created and the aircraft it is changed to has a default Regulation Rule

  • set, the Regulation Rule set updates on the relevant legs, as long as the account does not have a default regulation rule set.

  • If both the account and the newly assigned aircraft do not have a default Regulation Rule applied, the default Regulation Rule set uses the company default, and if there is no company default then it resets to Empty.

  • Additionally, if the Regulation Rule set is updated to the same Regulation Rule set across all legs, the Regulation Rule set in the trip overview is also updated to match the Regulation Rule

  •  set assigned on each leg. If the regulation rule set is not updated on all legs, then the regulation rule set in the trip overview remains the unchanged

  • If multiple accounts are set on a trip, the Regulation Rule set remains what it was set to before multiple accounts were applied. If accounts are removed from a trip, resulting in one account on the trip, then the standard logic noted above applies.

  • In the multiple account assignment modal, when multiple accounts are on the trip, a blue info bar displays below the account names (see below) with the following text "Default account Regulation Rule sets will not be applied when there are multiple accounts on the trip."


Regulation Rule sets can be set on the trip or leg level.

Apply to a Trip

Access the trip and click the change button next to Regulation Rule Set in the trip header to edit/add. When set on the trip level, all legs are reviewed to comply with all parameters (i.e. limitations, experiences) set in the Regulation Rule set.

Apply to a Flight Leg

Applying a Regulation Rule set on the leg level allows operations to differ limitations where needed. This can be useful when a Part 135 trip ends and the last leg does not need to comply with Part 135 regulations. On the overview page, next to each leg is the Regulation Rule and Regulation Rule set options. The leg level regulation rule set only needs to be changed if a specific leg needs to comply with different parameters (i.e. Rest, Duty, Flight Time, etc.).

Application Considerations

Regulation Rule Sets are checked for the crew members assigned to the flight leg. Adding crew to a trip with the set applied is the only way to check them against it.

When a Regulation Rule Set is edited, the changes automatically update to where the Regulation Rule Set is applied. However, the Trip Feasibility may need to be refreshed.

Regulation Rule Set requirements are NOT applied to vendor / contract crew (and will not create an alert or warning) as it is considered that their experience/schedule would not be available within Avianis for the given account.


The results of the compliance check display within the Trip Feasibility > Crew Section. Additional setting options are available (Operations > Settings > Configuration), if the "Run Crew Conflict Checks when Added to Trip" option is set to yes, the crew conflicts display as the crew is added to the trip (be sure to select the Regulation Rule set first).

See also:

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