This article will cover:
how to set up the flight leg permissions
how to configure change controls for leg status; and
how to set the leg status within a trip
Crew Communications
Go to Operations > Settings > Stages/Leg Status > Flight Leg Status. Leg Status names cannot be modified or be made inactive within the application. If a leg status does not apply to the process, it can remain unused.
Within each flight leg status, Admins have the ability to set permissions for User Roles to change the status for each Flight Leg.
General Roles: This will designate users who are able to change a leg to the status being edited if no warning or critical hard stops are present. If this field is left blank any user role can change a leg to this status.
Warning Hard Stop: If warning items exist within the leg then only the users specified in this field can change the leg to this status. An override message will be required. Warning items display in yellow.
Critical Hard Stop: If critical items exist, users specified will have the ability to change the leg status. It will require an override message. Critical items display in red.
If both warning and critical items are present on a single leg the users listed within the Critical Hard Stop field are able to change the leg status even if they are not listed as a user within the Warning Hard Stop field.
Configuration setting Change Controls By which is located in Operations > Settings > Configuration must be set to Leg Status in order for change controls by leg status to be enabled.
The leg status edit functionality contains the options to select which Flight Information affects the Change Control options for each flight leg status. For each flight information selection, there is an associated Yes/No toggle to Revert to In Review.
If "In Review" leg status is selected to set up change controls, the Revert to In Review column displays as NA since it is not applicable.
The Revert to ‘In Review’” setting allows the user to set if the flight leg status needs to default back to In Review if specific data changes within that flight leg and the leg has the applicable leg status selected. The “Revert to ‘In Review’” Yes/No toggle defaults to No. When toggled to No, a change to the defined data in the “Flight Information” column does not affect the flight leg status. When toggled to Yes, a change to the defined data in the “Flight Information” column puts the leg status back to In Review.
Additionally, the severity of the crew acknowledgment flags in the trip feasibility and tools is set here.
The different change control options for Filed, Ready for Release, Released, Enroute, and Arrived are:
Leg Status - When the flight changes to this status or the status currently being edited
Crew Assignment - When a crew is assigned, or unassigned, from the flight.
Airports - When the departure and/or arrival airport changes.
FBOs - When the departure and/or arrival FBO changes.
Scheduled Time by [X] minutes: A drop-down is available that allows the user to select 10, 30, 60, or 120 minutes that apply to the Less than and By or more than fields. The default selection for the drop-down is 30 minutes.
Less than - When the scheduled time changes by a value less than the designated minutes
By or more than - When the scheduled time changes by a value equal to or more than the designated minutes.
Passenger Manifest - When a passenger is added or removed, from a flight. Also includes lap child and minor designations, as well as, travel documents.
Passenger/Crew Info Update - When crew and/or passengers are assigned to a flight leg, and changes are made to the personnel/contact profiles then the leg status reverts to in review. See note below for more details.
Services - When a service is added or removed from the flight. Also includes edits made to services.
Aircraft - When the aircraft on a flight leg is changed
Passenger/Crew Info: Change controls for Crew are triggered by saved edits made to all fields in the Travel Documents tab for both personnel and contact profiles, and all fields located within the Profile or Overview tabs except for the following:
Personnel>Profile (tab)
Default Timezone
Regulatory Types
Date Format
Emergency Contacts
Contact>Overview (tab)
Additional Addresses
Emergency Contacts
Enroute and Arrived do not display crew acknowledgment severity
Verified and Cancelled only display the leg status change control option with NA set to Revert to In Review.
Verified and Cancelled - the only options for Crew Communications are None or Briefing.
This setting allows the option to automate communications based on the change control options for each leg status.
None: This is the default toggle. When toggled to none, if any data defined in the Flight Information column changes, no communications are set to the crew and the crew acknowledgment of the flight leg does not reset.
Briefing: When toggled to Briefing, the crew is alerted when there is a change to the defined data in the Flight Information column. The notification is sent to the mobile app and displayed under the Notifications section highlighting the new changes. A briefing does not require an acknowledgment from the pilot for new changes. It is information only.
Acknowledge: When toggled to Acknowledge, the crew is alerted when there is a change to the defined data in the Flight Information column. The notification is sent to the mobile app and displayed under the Notifications section highlighting the changes. If the flight leg was previously acknowledged, it is reset across the application and requires the pilot to acknowledge the leg again.
Access a trip to change the flight leg status
Click the Leg Status and set it accordingly
Here is an example if there are users set in General Roles, but the specific user doesn't contain the set role(s).
Once a flight leg status is attempted to be changed, the Feasibility and Tools runs and pops up to display all leg level checks. Here is an example if the user does not have permission to change to the specified Flight Leg Status:
Here is an example if the user has the permission, but an override is required due to Warning and Critical items.
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