The article contains:
The Deals module allows an operation to track sales opportunities. Deals allow an operation to designate whether a General, Aircraft or Job Card deal was won, lost or cancelled. If won, the entire deal is designated won. If lost, a deal status reason list is customizable by the operation and reasons can be specified why the opportunity was lost. Tracking the stage of the deal, where the deal came from (lead source), expected close date, amount of potential deal, and any applicable campaign codes.
An additional deal type named “Opportunity” has these same features and more as outlined below.
Deals with itineraries are the Deal Type of “Opportunity”. This can be filtered by on the Deal search page by Deal Type. Opportunities can be created by: API, an Avinode RFQ, manually created, or the Portside Customer Portal, which are captured as Lead Sources, or manually as described below.
See Configure Avinode and View and create Avinode requests articles for more information on how Opportunities are used for this integration.
'Create Opportunity' option from the Deal Search page
Create Opportunity modal
From the opportunity, you can create Quotes, Trips, add tasks, Files, etc.
Create an Opportunity from a quote
3. A new Opportunity will now be associated with your quote including the Status (New, Open, Won, Lost and Cancel), Opportunity Number and Itinerary, Stage (Dropdown selection managed in My Company > Global Settings > CRM > Deal Stages) , the person who created the opportunity, Amount of the Quote, Lead Source (Dropdown selection managed in My Company > Global Settings > CRM > Lead Sources), Expected Close Date (defaults to the day created), and Campaign Code (Free Text). You can make changes to these various items within the Opportunity for tracking purposes.
Multiple quotes for one Opportunity
1. Copy an existing quote that already has an opportunity associated with it.
2. Once the quote is copied you can change any/all applicable fields. One example of this is when a customer requests the same itinerary in three different aircraft, or multiple brokers for the same itinerary. The new quote that is generated is automatically linked to the same deal.
3. The Opportunity can then be marked as Open, Won, Lost, or Canceled. If a deal is marked as "Lost" a deal status reason can be entered. This list is customizable by the operation and reasons can be specified why the opportunity was lost. To customize the deal status reason proceed to My Company > Global Settings > CRM > Deal Status Reasons.
Additional Use Cases for Opportunities
A few examples of use cases that are outside the standard shown above:
1. The quote is accepted by the customer
2. An Opportunity is Created from the Quote
3. Stage is selected as Owner Approval (you can add/edit the Stage options from My Company > Global Settings>CRM>Deal Stages)
4. Quote is then shared with the owner and the Deal within the Quote is moved to Won, Lost, or Cancel. You can decide how/what you want these to mean.
5. If the Owner does not approve, simply choose Lost or Cancel and give the reason (which could simply be NOT APPROVED BY OWNER). You can add/edit the Stage options from My Company > Global Settings>CRM>Deal Status Reasons.
6. If Approved, Change the Stage to Approved, Won, etc.
7. Book the Quote
1. Create a Stage such as “Reviewing Feasibility” while you review the specifics of the trip, check for crew, etc.
2. Once this has been completed, change the Stage to Feasibility Confirmed
3. This can be used to view/filter quotes on the Quotes Search Page to locate those quotes that might need crew scheduling or operations to review.