Flight Following: Notifications

Flight Following: Notifications

Once flight following has been setup and enabled for an aircraft, there are several options for automatic email notifications of aircraft movements. The email will be sent from noreply@avianis.com. It is suggested this email is added to the recipient's address book so the notifications do not get flagged as spam. 

This guide will outline how to create notifications for:

  • flight legs to arrival FBO;

  • aircraft to personnel;

  • aircraft assigned to an account to associated contacts;

  • flight legs to any email; 

  • flight legs to passengers; and

  • an example movement notification.



A notification that the aircraft has departed with estimated arrival information may automatically be sent to the Arrival FBO selected in the Trip [page] > Overview [tab]. It is sent to the main email displayed for the FBO/vendor. The content of the email includes: Departed From, Departed Time, Arrival To, Estimated Arrival Time, Flight Tracking URL, Aircraft Tail, Time Enroute, Crew and Passengers. This setting may be turned on for all flights by a select aircraft or turned on/off per flight leg.

All Flights By Select Aircraft 

From My Company > Aircraft > [select tail] > on the right-hand column, Fight Following section. Toggle Arrival FBO Notifications to YES to send notifications for all flight legs by that aircraft. (This may be turned off for select flight legs.)

Select On/Off Per Flight Leg

From the Trip [page] > Overview [tab] > click the departure or arrival airport text to open the leg edit panel. Toggle Enable Notification to YES under the FBO to send a notification for the selected flight leg to the selected FBO.



Select specific groups or personnel to receive notifications for all flight legs for a select aircraft. Go to My Company > Aircraft > [select tail] > on the right-hand side column of the Aircraft Page, enter Personnel names or Group names under 'Select Groups or Personnel to be notified' and Save. If Personnel are assigned to the aircraft for notifications and are crewed or listed as a passenger on the manifest, they do not receive the notifications. 

Note: A Group of personnel can be created in My Company > Global Settings> General > Groups



Select contacts to receive flight following notifications for all flight legs flown by aircraft assigned to an account. Go to: Accounts > [select account] > Contacts [tab]. Check 'Flight Follow' under Roles for a contact to receive all departure and arrival notifications for trips assigned to the Account where the Contact is designated the Flight Follow Role. When the account contact is a passenger on any trip for that account, they will not receive the departure and arrival messages.

The aircraft associated with the account are listed under the Aircraft tab (on the Account page). Notifications will only be available/sent for aircraft that are setup and enabled for flight following.



Notifications may be sent to any email address for select flight legs. These names/emails do not need to be added/available as a Contact. This may be done by selecting the envelope icon button from the Operations Dashboard or the Trip Page. 

1. Select the Envelope Icon Button

From Operations > Dashboard [tab], it is located on the flight leg card: 

Or from the Trip [page] > Overview [tab], it is located on the right of the leg entry:

Note: The notifications will only apply to the flight leg selected. If notifications are desired for several flight legs within a trip, each will need to be selected separately.

2. Enter Names and Emails

A box will pop-up to enter any name and email address to receive movement notifications for a select flight leg. After entering, select the green "+" button after every entry - this will start a new blank entry field and add the email. Then click Save. 

When the Generate Link button is selected, a URL will be created which may be copy/pasted to send directly to any contact. The link is also included in the movement notification email from Avianis. The link is good as long as the leg is active in Flightradar24 and will take the user to a flight following map. Once the flight is no longer active, users visiting the link will receive a message: "Tracking information is no longer available for this flight."



The content of all flight following movement notification emails are the same. A departure and arrival notification are sent for each leg. 

Departure Email Example 

Subject: N282AK departed Tampa enroute to Seattle
[Logo Here] Pulls from Company Profile

N282AK departed from Tampa (Tampa International) at 18:09 and is estimated to arrive in Seattle (Seattle Tacoma International) at 21:07 local time.
Flight Tracking URL: https://dev-tracking.avianis.io/flight/yEJMDCTdvCCIzONzmNSp

AIRCRAFT N282AK (Boeing 737)

DEPARTED Tampa KTPA 8/1/2019  6:09 PM 18:09
ESTIMATED ARRIVAL Seattle KSEA  8/1/2019  9:07 PM 21:07

CREW: Kurt Earhart - PIC, Terry Kittyhawk - SIC
PASSENGERS [Blank if not Listed on Manifest]

Arrival Email Example

Subject: N474AS arrived in Boston
[Logo Here] Pulls from Company Profile

N474AS arrived in Boston (Boston Logan International) at 14:46 local time.

N474AS (Boeing 737) DEPARTED 8/1/2019 6:59 AM 06:59 Seattle KSEA Atlantic 

Time Enroute: 04:45

ARRIVED 8/1/2019 2:46 PM 14:46 Boston KBOS Signature 

CREW: Kurt Earhart - PIC, Terry Kittyhawk - SIC
PASSENGERS: John Smith, Jennifer Smith 

Ref: O-O05

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