Feasibility & Tools

Feasibility & Tools

This article will cover:

  • How to access the Feasibility & Tools;

  • the information displayed in the Feasibility; and

  • the details in each section within the Feasibility & Tools.

Related Articles:



The trip feasibility and tools section is located at the top of the right side column. This is expanded upon opening a trip so the color coding for the flag severity is visible. Once open, the Feasibility may be manually refreshed by pressing the Refresh button.

The current Trip Stage will be displayed next to the Trip number as well as on the drop-down box at the top. Click the drop-down menu and make a new selection to change the Trip Stage.


The Change Control setting (located in Operations>Settings>Configuration) for Trip Stage vs. Leg Status will effect the way the Flight Leg Feasibility will behave.   When the change control is selected for Leg Status, and the settings are applied for Overrides to be required on Warnings and/or Critical Warnings for the changed Leg Status, a popup will display requiring a user with the appropriate role to provide a reason for the Override, but only for the leg that had the status changed.  More information about Flight Leg Status: Setup and Use.  


The quote feasibility and tools section is located at the top of the right-side column of the quote. It always first appears minimized; this is because when opened, it refreshes all of the information. To open, click the + icon on the header bar. Once open, the Feasibility may be manually refreshed by pressing the Refresh button.

In addition to the other sections, the Quote's Feasibility check under the Crew Section will look at currency, training and availability for any crewmembers which are directly assigned to that aircraft.  

Schedule Board

A trip's feasibility can be checked when accessing the Schedule Board by right-clicking on the trip and selecting "Trip Feasibility Check". The Flight Leg Feasibility will then pop up on the screen.


The Feasibility contains several sections, e.g. Aircraft, Crew, Accounts/Passengers, Airport, Requests/Services, International Planning, Tasks, and FRAT. Each area is summarized by the color of the arrow to the left of the title. To view the information for a given section, click on the banner/arrow on the right which will expand the section.

  • Red: Critical Item

  • Yellow: Warning Item

  • Green: No Flagging Items

  • Blue (Trip Feasibility Only): Information or Preference Item

  • Grey: TSA or APIS not applicable because no passengers or a domestic flight where APIS is not needed

It displays the pertinent information first, Critical, then Warning, then Information.



The following checks will be done within the Aircraft section and displays as either Warning or Critical:

Dedicated Use

This field looks at the aircraft profile to determine if the flight legs fall within the Dedicated Use Start & Dedicated Use End Dates if set for the aircraft.

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If the aircraft is marked as dedicated use for a period of time if all of the flight legs fall within that period and are part 91 regulation a flag displays.


  • Warning: The expiration date of the item is within 5 days of the flight leg or the Restrictions on the discrepancy are not yet overdue.

  • Critical: the expiration date of the item is the day before a flight leg or the Deferred Hours and/or Cycles listed on the restriction exceeds the current hours and cycles on their aircraft.

Restrictions for Discrepancies

Passenger Capacity: Once this restriction is applied to an open discrepancy, the system will check the trip and/or quote passenger count (excluding lap children) against the number set in the restriction.

  • Warning: NA

  • Critical: If the passenger count is exceeded, a critical flag will appear in the feasibility and tools.

Day Only: Once this restriction is applied to an open discrepancy, the system will check the trip and/or quote to ensure the flight is scheduled to arrive and depart during daytime hours. Note - daytime hours are based on sunrise and sunset times, not civil twilight.

  • Warning: NA

  • Critical: If the scheduled times are outside of daytime hours, a critical flag will appear in the feasibility and tools.

Flight and Distance

This section references the Fuel Stop Thresholds set up within the aircraft profile.

  • Warning: If the Flight Time on the leg exceeds the Fuel Stop Time but does not exceed the distance listed within the Fuel Stop Distance and vice versa.

  • Critical: If the aircraft exceeds both the Fuel Stop Time and the Fuel Stop Distance thresholds on the same leg(s).

Inspection Item

A maintenance item on the aircraft that has values in frequency 1. 2 and 3.

  • Warning: If the item uses the frequency type "Hours" or "On Condition" and the current hours on the aircraft plus any scheduled flights before the one it is checking is greater than the next due hours minus the warning at value if the frequency type Months or Days and the scheduled departure date is less than the next due date minus the warning at value

  • Critical: If the frequency type used is Landings and the current landings count on the aircraft plus any scheduled flights before the one it is checking (assuming 1 landing per scheduled flight) is greater than the next due landings minus the warning at value.

Job Card

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: A job card where the offline return to service date is after the leg's departure date and the job cards offline start date is before the leg's arrival date, and the Actual return to service date is not entered

Passenger Count

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If the number of passengers on a flight leg (excluding pets) is greater than the Pax Seating value in the aircraft profile.

Regulatory Required

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If the Required Regulatory for Legs selection within the company's operational settings is set to yes without there being a regulation set on the leg level

Scheduling Overlap

  • Warning: If during a check of the aircraft's calendar, it's discovered that the scheduled departure or arrival of a flight leg is within 5 hours of another leg's scheduled times

  • Critical: If the scheduled departure and/or arrival times of a flight leg overlap an already scheduled tri

SIC or Flight Attendant Required

  • Warning: NA

  • Critical: If the Requires SIC or Flight Attendant box is checked in the aircraft profile but one has not been crewed on the trip. Note: This does NOT apply to a CSR.


The following checks will be done within the Crew section and displays as either Warning or Critical:


If any member of the crew assigned to the trip has preferences in their profile, the items will be listed as information.

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: Not Applicable


  • Warning: If the departure and arrival airports on a flight leg are in different countries AND the assigned crew members do not have any active passports within their profile

  • Critical: Not Applicable

Expired Travel Documents

  • Warning: In the event that the active travel documents listed within the profile either have: a Customer Alert Threshold checked within the document and the dates of the trip fall into that category OR if the document does not have a threshold listed but the travel document is set to expire within 30 days of any flight leg on the trip

  • Critical: When the travel document is set to expire prior to any leg within the trip

Medical Expiration

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: An active medical for a crew member is set to expire before the departure date of a flight

PIC Requirement

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: When there is not a PIC assigned to a flight leg

Scheduled Overlap (Out of Office)

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If a crew member has a personnel event with event type Hard Day Off (Unavailable) or Out of Office (Unavailable) that overlaps directly with a flight leg they are assigned to

Scheduled Overlap (Flights)

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If a crew member has a flight that overlaps directly with a flight leg they are assigned to

Training Item Expiration

  • Warning: If a crew member is in Base Month or Late Grace

  • Critical: In Training Programs that check trip compliance if a crew member's training item(s) expiration date(s) is prior to the departure of the flight leg

Crew Acknowledgement

This field references the setting within the Trip Stages. (Operations > Settings > Stages/Legs Status > Stages tab)

  • Warning: If the setting is enabled and a crew member has not clicked Yes to acknowledge the flight in the flight log or in the My Flights page, an item will flag with the severity assigned

  • Critical: See above

Regulatory Set Checks

This check can provide a wide variety of information, warning, and critical flags. More information on the setup, limitations, and applications pertaining to Regulatory Sets can be seen in additional articles.

See Related Articles:

Note: Once a duty record is logged and saved, the feasibility check will refer to the actual duty times. Prior to the record being saved, the feasibility will refer to the proposed duty time, which considers the pre and post settings in Operations > Settings > Configuration.

The rest check does not account for CSR's as they are not held to the same rest requirements.


The following checks will be done within the Account/Passenger section and will display as either Warning or Critical:


If the account and/or passenger on the trip has preferences recorded, it will list each preference as its own item and will display it as information.

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: Not Applicable

Overdue Invoice

This is utilized if the organization has values entered within the Invoice Overdue Warning Days and/or Invoice Overdue Critical Days in the Finance > Settings > Configuration page.

  • Warning: If the date difference between the current date and any open invoices for that customer is greater than the warning threshold value but less than the critical threshold value

  • Critical: If the date difference is greater than the value listed within the critical threshold it will display as a critical item


  • Warning: In the event that the trip's arrival and departure airports within the flight leg are in different countries and the passenger(s) do not have active passports within their user profile

  • Critical: Not Applicable

Expired Travel Document

  • Warning: If the active travel document does have a Custom Alert Threshold checked on it and the travel document will expire within the number of days they have specified for the customer alert threshold of any flight leg on the trip. If there is no custom alert chosen, the default is 30 days.

  • Critical: Will display if the active travel document for a passenger has an expiration date prior to the flight legs on a trip


The following checks will be done within the Airport section and will display as either Warning or Critical:

Runways/Airport Elevation Checks

This field looks at the aircraft profile to check the parameters entered.

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If the airport runways do not meet the specifications outlined within the aircraft profile for the Minimum Runway Width and Length. If the Maximum Elevation is exceeded by a location within the trip

Airport Restrictions

  • Warning: If there are any restrictions at any of the airports on the trip

  • Critical: Not Applicable

Airport Notes

The check then matches the airport listed in the notes with the airports in the trip confirming if the flight leg dates/times match the item. It flags based on the severity selected in the note.

Note: Whether or not there is a Start Date/Time or End Date/Time within the note, the item flags based on the location it is tied to

Airport Hours (Overview tab)

This looks at the Hours listed within the airport directory.

  • Warning: If an airport location does not have hours assigned to it, and the field designating the location being open 24 Hours is NOT set to "Y"

  • Critical: NA

Airport Hours (Hours Tab)

This Tab/section looks at the Hours listed within the airport directory and allows you to customize them.

If the airport has custom hours documented, and the trip is included in those hours making the flight legs either departing or arriving outside of the opened time slots for that trip type (if included), a flag displays based on the severity set in the record.

If the airport has exceptions to the open or closed hours documented, a flag displays based on the severity set in the record.

  • Warning: See Above

  • Critical: See Above

Temporary Airport Closures

This section looks at the Hours listed within the airport directory and allows you to close them using local dates and times.

If there are documented temporary closures, and the trip is included in those hours making the flight legs either departing or arriving outside of the opened time slots, a flag displays based on the severity set in the record.

  • Warning: See Above

  • Critical: See Above

Customs Hours

This section looks at the Customs Hours listed within the airport directory.

If the airport lists the customs hours documented and the trip type is included in those hours making the flight legs either departing or arriving outside of the opened time slots for that trip type, a flag displays based on the severity set in the record.

If the airport's Customs Hours has exceptions to the open or closed hours documented, an item will display based on the severity set in the record.

  • Warning: See above

  • Critical: See above

Vendor (FBO) Hours

This section looks at the FBO Hours listed within the airport directory.

If the airport lists the hours documented and the Vendor/FBO is included in those hours making the flight legs either departing or arriving outside of the opened time slots, an item will display based on the severity set in the record.

If the Vendor Hours have exceptions to the open or closed hours documented, an item will display based on the severity set in the record.

  • Warning: See above

  • Critical: See above.

Aircraft Restrictions

This section allows the user to restrict specific aircraft models from flying into specific airports.

If the airport lists the aircraft model documented and the aircraft is scheduled into or out of that airport, a flag displays based on the severity set in the record.

Note: This also applies to Vendor Aircraft.

  • Warning: See Above

  • Critical: See Above

Prior Notification Warning

  • Warning: If a flight leg departs from a different country and the arrival airport has "With PNR" for the Airport of Entry field designated

  • Critical: Not Applicable

Airport of Entry Check

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: When a flight leg departs from a different country than it arrives in and the arrival location has an "N" within the "Airport of Entry" field

Dual Wheel Capacity

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If the Basic Operating Weight of an aircraft is greater than the max DUAL WHEEL CAPACITY for runways at the arrival airport

Note: The Dual Wheel Capacity is in the 1000s, the below example is translated from 160.0 = 160,000.


  • Warning: If any services that are listed in the Services tab of the trip do not have a status of Cancelled or Confirmed

  • Critical: Not Applicable

International Planning

  • Warning: If any services fall under the International tab of the trip (Permit, Regulatory, and/or Security) and are not in a Cancelled or Confirmed status

  • Critical: Not Applicable


  • Warning: If any tasks are not marked as Completed, Cancelled, or Removed, they will show as a warning flag

  • Critical: Not Applicable


This section is checked against the FRAT Settings and Thresholds set up by the organization. If the FRAT on the flight leg results in the previously mentioned critical flag, user-designated an Approver can approve the FRAT submitted and a green item will be displayed instead.

  • Warning: If the FRAT has not been run for a specific flight leg; Or if the FRAT has been completed for a specific flight leg and exceeds the FRAT Dispatch Threshold value but is less than the FRAT Approval Threshold

  • Critical: If a FRAT has been run for a specific flight leg and it exceeds the FRAT Approval Threshold



The watchlist area of the Feasibility Check allows the user to manually vet the list, see who vetted the trip, view the current uploaded lists, and view the results of the vetted manifest.

  • Warning: Not Applicable

  • Critical: If the trip has never been run against the watchlist, has not been run against the most recently uploaded list, or if the manifest has changed and has not been run against the latest list

See Related Article:


This section allows the users the ability to quickly submit APIS manifests for US, Canadian, and CARICOM. NOTE: There are no specific flags within the Feasibility & Tools section here when expanded.

  • If there are international legs on the trip (the departure or arrival airport are outside of the US), and APIS has not been filed for one of those legs, the APIS section of check will display in yellow

  • If APIS has been submitted for a leg and a change has happened to one or more of the Change Control Settings within that trip stage the APIS section will be displayed in red to mark critical items

See Related Article:

Email Tracking

The email tracking area of the feasibility provides the details of the email sent, who sent it and when it was processed, delivered, and opened when the email is set to tracked when sent.

NOTE: For companies on the 2nd version of logbook, the trip feasibility and tools runs the following checks for the PIC-Alt position:

  • PIC Requirement - This check ensures there is a PIC assigned to the flight leg. PIC-Alt does not count towards this requirement so if a PIC-Alt is assigned but not a PIC, it would still flag.

  • Qualification/Training Items

  • Regulatory Check (Required Crew) - PIC-Alt position is considered as part of the Required Crew requirement.

Ref: O-T13

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