Mobile App: Notifications

Mobile App: Notifications

The following guide outlines:

  • Where and how to Access/Acknowledge Notifications

  • Where and how to Access/Acknowledge Briefs


The "Notifications" page within the mobile app displays all notifications to Crewmembers. These notifications will be in the form of a Brief or for the Crew to Acknowledge the flight leg.

When the Menu is expanded within the Mobile App the Notifications option is displayed. It may include a number within a circle to visually display the total number of unacknowledged notifications, new or old, within that page. This number adjusts as the user makes an acknowledgment, clears a briefing, or has new acknowledgments and/or briefings sent.

Acknowledge Tab

Acknowledge is toggled by default and displays a list of all notifications that require an acknowledgment, including initial flight leg acknowledgments as well as any flight legs that require ACK due to change control settings, which is managed in Operations > Settings > Stages/Leg Status > Flight Leg Status (for more information view the article: Flight Leg Status: Setup and Use). If an acknowledgment has already been sent, or if the acknowledgment is not required, then the flight leg does not display in the list.

To acknowledge a flight leg on the Notifications page, tap Ack Req flight leg. A green SAVE banner will pop up once the Ack is saved. Once the flight leg is acknowledged, the event is removed from the Notifications page, and the flight card on My Schedule updates to show the flight is acknowledged.

Brief Tab

When Brief is toggled, a list of all flight cards with briefings that have not yet been cleared displays, including briefings that have been sent again due to change control settings, which is managed in Operations > Settings > Stages/Leg Status > Flight Leg Status (for more information view the article: Flight Leg Status: Setup and Use). To clear a briefing on the Notifications page tap the gray Clear button.

Additionally, at the bottom of the page, there is a Clear All button. When tapped, all briefings listed on the page clear at once. Once the flight is cleared it is removed from the Notifications page.

Tap on Details and the Flight Leg Detail page for that event expands. At the top of the page “<" displays allowing the user to go back to the notifications page when pressed.


In the event an acknowledgment or briefing is sent again, the event card reappears in the Acknowledge and/or Brief list(s) and there is red text at the bottom of the card with a reference of what information has changed. The reference displays based on the value that changed that sent the Acknowledgement or Briefing:

  • "Crew Added"

  • "Crew Removed"

  • "Flight Status Change"

  • "Airport(s) Change"

  • "FBO(s) Change"

  • "Scheduled Date/Time Change"

  • "Passenger Manifest Change"

  • "Service Change"

This information only displays on the Notifications page and does not display on the My Schedule view.

If the logged-in user is removed as crew from a flight that is on the notifications page but has not been acknowledged or cleared from the brief list then the flight card is removed from notifications for that user altogether.

When a flight is already displayed on the Notifications page again due to change control settings and another change occurs, if the previous change has not yet been acknowledged or cleared then the new change is listed together with the other change on the same flight card. If a change occurs that requires a brief to be sent and the flight card has not yet been cleared by the user when the flight has a change that prompts an Ack req. the flight card updates to display only on the Acknowledgements list with all of the changed information displayed.

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