Mobile 3.11.0 Application Update (August 2024)

Mobile 3.11.0 Application Update (August 2024)

The following updates are a part of the 3.11.0 mobile release in August 2024. 

New Features

The mobile app now has device push messages for notifications! When a mobile user receives either an Acknowledgement or a Briefing* message about a flight change - as configured in the Change Control settings by flight leg status or by Trip Stage - then a push notification will appear on their device. Notifications will include information about the flight and the change that was made. 
*Briefing messages are only available in accounts with the setting of 'Change Controls By' = Leg Status 

Example of a device push notification received for a new notification/change on a flight. 

To receive push notifications, each user needs to ensure that they have allowed Avianis app to send notifications to their device.

All notifications will still be reflected on the in-app Notification page and will need to be Ack/cleared from there.


  1. Improved FRAT send/load times.
  2. Schedule will continue to display on the calendar when in Offline mode if it was previously loaded. 
  3. Prevented flight time logged from the mobile app from rounding when the setting is disabled.
  4. Crew notifications when the company configuration is 'Change Controls By' = Trip Stage now operates as expected.
  5. Fixed an issue with users with SUMA (Single User Multi-Account) enabled were unable to login to both the mobile app and the web app with select configurations. 
  6. The 'Amount' and 'Total' values on expenses will save successfully on expenses without having to tap out of the field. 
  7. Address specific error message appearing for select tails when logging a flight. 

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