This article will cover:
Items checked within the Feasibility & Tools of a quote
How to book a quote
The quote feasibility captures pertinent information and potential issues at either a warning or critical level. To locate the Feasibility & Tools within a quote click on the + next to the Feasibility & Tools to expand the areas of interest.
Next, click on the down arrow to display the issues pertaining to each section.
Critical Items: Passenger count exceeds capacity, scheduling overlap, expired MEL, Day Only Restrictions, and an offline maintenance event
Warning Items: fuel stop threshold has been exceeded, turn time is less than 30-minute default, and an open discrepancy exists
If crew members are directly assigned to the aircraft being quoted, a regulatory set can be applied to the quote to check for crew conflicts on the quote level based on the regulatory set selected. Learn how to create a regulatory set.
Critical Item: Less than 10 hours of rest in 24 consecutive hours (if no regulatory set is applied), any limitations and experiences in an applied regulatory set, training items within base, grace and expired (if personnel are directly associated with the aircraft profile)
Information: Preferences (FBO, catering, transportation, lodging, special requests, and other)
Critical Items: No account assigned to the Quote, Open invoices, and jet card balances too low
Information: Preferences (FBO, catering, transportation, lodging, special requests, and other)
Critical Items: Minimum runway length is not adequate for the aircraft
Warning Items: Airport is not 24 hours, the airport is not an airport of entry, the airport requires slots and airport records containing airport notes
Information: FBO Preferences
The severity of the warning is set by customized parameters: Aircraft Model Restrictions at departure and arrival airports, Airport Hours, Customs Hours,
Note: Feasibility checks can differ when performed on quotes with a Fleet or Vendor aircraft. For more information on those checks see, Quotes: Fleets & Vendor.
3. If Warning/Critical Hard Stop is enabled, a window will pop up which checks the feasibility for conflicts. Click on the down arrow to display the issues pertaining to each section, similar to the feasibility within the quote record.
If Warning/Critical Hard stop is disabled, a window will pop up to confirm booking the quote. Click Book and the quote will then be marked as a trip without checking the feasibility items.
Note: If Warning Hard Stop or Critical Hard Stop setting(s) are enabled, only the user roles listed will be able to override and book the quote if any of the Warning or Critical Items below are contained in the Quote Feasibility. See Quote Configuration Settings
Ref: S-Q06