Regulation Rule Sets: Setup

Regulation Rule Sets: Setup

Regulation Rule Sets are a way to check pilot crew activity (e.g. duty time, rest time, flight hours, night landings, etc.) against a defined standard or limitation. Once created, they may be applied to a trip or flight leg, which then checks the crew assigned against the requirements and issue an alert or warning in the Trip Feasibility accordingly.

This article covers how to:

  • access, create, edit and delete Regulation Rule Sets; and

  • create basic settings of a Regulation Rule Set.

Note: Both Regulation Rule Sets and Programs/Training items creates alerts in the Crew section of the Trip Snapshot. It is recommended to use training items for training dates, and other requirements that have a set due date and are not related to duty/flight activities, and are not variable (except for grace periods). See: Crew Records: Programs


Go to Crew Records > Regulatory Sets.
All current Regulation Rule Sets for the account is listed here. 

Create a Regulation Rule Set

Use the blue Create New button for a new set. A pop-up prompts a name and Regulation Rule Type the set may be applied. Both of these may be edited later. Once saved, it automatically refreshes to the page to edit other values.

Edit a Regulation Rule Set

Click the yellow Edit button to access the set page to change values. Any blue text may be selected to edit; use the blue check to save. Or select the blue edit pen button next to a value to change. 

When Regulation Rule Set is already in use / applied to a Trip of a Flight Leg when it is edited, the new values are automatically applied. The Trip Feasibility may need to be refreshed to see the new alerts.

Note: Due to this, it is recommended when making major edits to a historical Regulation Rule Set to copy the set, make the older set inactive, and continue forward using the new set.

Copy a Regulation Rule Set

Click the double-page icon button to copy the current Regulation Rule  Set:

Delete or Inactivate a Regulation Rule Set

The Delete button removes a Regulation Rule Set. A reg set may not be deleted (and shows an error) if attempting to delete when it is applied to a trip and/or flight leg; even if the trip has been made inactive. It is recommended for this reason and for record-keeping purposes not to delete a Regulation Rule Set with a use history but to make it inactive instead. 

To make a Regulation Rule Set inactive go to its dedicated page and in the upper right corner the entire set may toggled to Inactive. Once inactive it is no longer available to select / apply to a trip or flight leg, however all historical applications of the set will be preserved. 


From the main Regulation Rule Set page:

Regulation Type

Select the applicable regulation for which the trips/flights using this set is to be applied. The applied regulation type is used in reports and other data when searching for trips/flights based on the regulation they flew under. Note: Avianis does not apply any regulation requirements, it is the duty of the operator to follow all applicable regulations and the account administrator to ensure the Regulation Rule Set is accurately configured to create alerts. 

Hard Days Off Per Quarter

Enter the number of Hard Days Off (HDOs) required for crew per quarter. This number is checked against their schedule for the current calendar quarter (3 months) of the flight departure date. This will look at the crew member's schedule (either in the past or future, within that calendar quarter) for event category of "Hard Day Off (HDO)" only. If there is no requirement, leave as 0.

If there are requirement entries under the Time Off tab, this field is disregarded / not considered and the Time Off entries will take priority. More information on those settings in: Regulatory Sets: Limitation, Experience, and Time Off

Number of PICs Required

There are two phrases to complete:

  • 2 SIC's requires __ PIC Qualified

  • 3 SIC's requires __ PIC Qualified

Set the number of pilots required to be PIC qualified for the trip/flight based on the total number of pilots / SICs. If there is no requirement, leave as 0.

Required Crew

Enter the total number of flight crew required for trips/flights. This only counts those crew members assigned as PIC or SIC positions as flight crew. Attendants and Additional Crew Members (ACM) do not count for this total. If there is no requirement, leave as 0.

Required PICs

Required number of PIC's field is used to define the number of PIC's needed for a flight leg. The use case for this field is for augmented crew scenarios. The options are 1, 2 or 3. When the reg set is applied to a trip and it does not meet the required number of PIC's, a critical flag appears in the crew section of the trip feasibility.

NOTE: This check does not run if the required number of PICs on the reg set is 1.

Use Limit

The Use Limit restricts the number of times the Regulation Rule Set may be used for a crew member over a select number of days. For each day that a crew member performs duty under the Regulation Rule  Set, it counts as 1 time. This may include multiple flight legs. If this limit would be exceeded, it shows as an alert in the Trip Feasibility. 

If the Regulation Rule  Set with a Use Limit is applied on the Trip level, it would apply to all flight legs for that Trip. For example, in a Trip with 4 flight legs all with the same crew, with the first 2 legs departing on one day and the following 2 legs departing the next day - this would count as 2 uses for the PIC and 2 uses for the SIC. Note: It is a best practice to apply Regulation Rule  Sets with Use Limits only on the flight leg level. 

If no values are entered / no use limit required, the field reads as Unspecified.

Limitations, Experience, Time Off

To continue to create / edit with additional information on these aspects see:
Regulatory Sets: Limitation, Experience, and Time Off

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