Regulation Rule Sets: Limitations, Experience, and Time Off

Regulation Rule Sets: Limitations, Experience, and Time Off

It is suggested to read Regulation Rule Sets: Setup before this article.

This article explains Regulation Rule Set information on:

  • Limitation setup;

  • Limitation adjustments;

  • Experience setup; 

  • Time Off setup; and

  • other features.


Limitations define the requirements and/or limitations of flight and rest activities for crew members with a number of available scenarios and conditions to be considered which might change those requirements.


Select the type of flight/duty/rest activity to be considered for the requirement.  

Pilot Only

A limitation requirement may be applied to crew members in the PIC and SIC positions (pilots) by selecting the Yes toggle button. If No is selected, this will also apply to ACM and Attendant positions. If Custom is selected, an additional dropdown field displays which allows you to choose which positions apply.


The condition is applied to the limit number. 


Enter the condition limit/minimum number for the type selected. Decimal values are accepted, but only in .5 increments. 


This is a conditional field that appears when certain types are selected. For some duration selections, the frequency box appears to enter a numerical value. Other duration selections are variable based on the crew member's activity. For example, the Flight Duty Period considers each flight duty period logged for a crew member regardless of length. 

NOTE: “Days” is a 24-hour period calculated backward from arrival time, whereas “Calendar Days” is calculated from midnight to midnight.

For example, 18:00 arrival on Thursday with a frequency of 3:

3 “Days:” included times are 18:00 Monday – 18:00 Thursday

3 “Calendar Days:” included times are 00:00 Tuesday – 00:00 Thursday


This is a conditional field that appears when certain duration options are selected. For example, if Hours are selected as duration, the frequency field appears to specify the number of hours. Decimal values are accepted, but only in .5 increments. 

The following features (Flight Deck Time, Approaches, Tracking, and Holding) are only available to those accounts which are running V2 Logbook:

Flight Deck Time is an option used for Augmented Crew. This allows for limiting the amount of time spent on the Flight Deck. When in the create/edit modal for a Limitation, Flight Deck Time displays in the drop-down list for Type.

Once selected, the Duration field appears next to Limit. If a Duration is selected that requires a Frequency to be set, then the Frequency field appears. This is not an item that can be scheduled. The Limitation’s feasibility flag only occurs after the flight log has been submitted if the Flight Deck Time exceeds what is defined in the Regulation Rule Set.

Three regulation limitation types (Approaches, Tracking, and Holding) are included in the Limitations Section.

When a new item is created, select if it applies to Pilots Only (yes) All Crewmembers (No), or Custom. Custom allows you to choose from a list of available positions.

When Tracking or Holding is selected, choose the Condition, Limits, and Frequency.

When Approach is selected as the limitation type, you are required to enter specific approach types.


Limitation adjustments are an element of the limitation requirements. It allows the entry of additional conditions which might affect the limit or frequency. Adjustments are applied in order from the top down. 

Example #1:

Example #2:

In this example, the limitation for Pre Duty Rest is at least 11 hours. Then, if duty time for the flight duty period is between 12 and 15 hours, replace the Pre Duty Rest with 12 hours. Next, if the Pre Duty Rest is more than 15 hours replace the Pre Duty Rest to 14 hours. Finally, replace with 33 hours of Pre Duty Rest when the Time Zone Difference for the prior duty period is between 5 and 9. Time zones are calculated based on the zone, not on the local offset. Furthermore, the departure location time zone is not included in the calculation.


Select how to have the value adjusted. Some selections display additional fields. 


Select the value to be adjusted. Some values display additional fields including duration, time specific, percent, min, and max. 


Provide the circumstance/condition that the adjusted value would be applied. 


Experience defines take-off and landing requirements the crew must perform within a select date range preceding the departure date of the flight to the Regulation Rule Set applied.

Select Crew Position

Select the crew position the experience requirement applies to - PIC or SIC. 

Model / Type

The experience requirements may be specified to be performed in the same aircraft make/model, same aircraft type rating, or based on all flying, regardless of aircraft type. If the toggle buttons are not selected, it refers to the aircraft type. 

Day and Night Takeoffs / Landings Within Number of Days 

Specify the number of take-offs and landings the pilot is required to have performed within the number of days preceding the departure date of the flight. There are separate rows for those performed in the daytime and nighttime. If none are required, leave it as 0. For the night take-offs and landings, there is the option of entering an alternate means of satisfying the requirement below. 

Alternate Night Currency 

If a pilot does not meet the requirement for the Total take-offs and landings within the number of days defined, the pilot is then checked against the alternate night currency requirement. 

For example, to qualify for Alternate Night Currency the Crew Member must have the following:

1500 Total Flight hours


15 Flight Time hours (type specific) in 90 Days


3 Night Takeoffs and Landings in 6 Months (in ANY type)


6 SIM Night Takeoffs and Landings in 12 months.

The Crew Member must pass BOTH of the flight hour checks, and ONE of the TO/Landing checks, either in the aircraft OR SIM.

If the values for the alternate currency are kept as 0s, there is no alternate currency check. 

Note: SIM Takeoffs and Landings are input into a pilot's Logbook. The type set on the logbook entry must be Simulator to be considered in the Alternate Night Currency check. Add a Crew Logbook Entry


Time Off defines the amount of rest required for crew within a date range.
This works in conjunction with the Pre, Post, and Split Duty Rest defined in the Limitations section. If there are requirement entries submitted in this Time Off section, the Hard Days Off Per Quarter entry in the header is nullified. 

Add no activity to Total Time Off calculation

When toggled to YES, any available (non-event) time on the crew member's schedule counts as time off for the time off calculations. When toggled to NO, only events on the crew member's schedule with the selected Type or Category will count as time off. 

Event Types and Event Categories that count towards Time Off

Click in the box to see a list of the available selections. Events on the crew member's schedule with the selected Type or Category will count as time off. Once selected/added they display in blue. Use the X to remove. 

Note: Event Types are Hard Coded and cannot be added. Event Categories can be managed in My Company > Profile > Schedule Board > Event Categories.

Create New Time Off Requirement 

Select the Add New button to create a new requirement. Four entry boxes appear:

  • Value - enter a number that is the amount of rest required. 

  • Type - select the quantity type for the value entered: Hours or Days. 

  • Frequency - enter a number that is the range in which the rest is required. 

  • Duration - select the quantity type for the frequency entered: Days or Quarters.

Deactivating A Requirement Entry

Each entry has the option of being Active, which includes it in the requirement checks, or to be Inactive, which will not run the check and hide the entry. The checkbox controls the status of the entry - checked is Active. For Limitation entries, this is a toggle button.

Deactivated entries may be viewed by using the toggle buttons over to the Inactive list.

Ref: C-R02

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