Schedule Board: Accessing and Viewing

Schedule Board: Accessing and Viewing

The Schedule Board provides visibility to all scheduled activities for trips, aircraft, and crew on a single calendar view. This article explains:

  • how to access the Schedule Board

  • date range display settings

  • filter aircraft by airport proximity

  • other quick menu items



To access the Schedule Board, navigate to Schedule Board via the main navigation. The page always opens to the current date and to the last used date range display setting.

Note: if you do not see the Schedule Board icon on your menu, please reach out to our Product Support team. They can assist in enabling this feature for your account.


Today: This button sets the view with the current date as the first selected for the range view.

Range Drop Down: Users will select from the drop-down to view the schedule in increments of 5, 7, 10, 14, or 30-day ranges. When a range is selected, the view changes immediately – retaining the first day currently viewed on the far left.

Column View: Users can choose the columns to display in minutes (MIN), hours (HR) or as a full day (DAY).

Date Picker (calendar icon)

When the calendar icon is selected, the date picker will highlight periods of time in line with the Schedule Board date range selection. When first clicked, the highlighted date range begins with the first date currently displayed on the Schedule Board. Clicking on another date will highlight the period of time beginning on that date and will span 5, 7, 10, 14, or 30 days depending on the date range selection. Today’s date will always be flagged in the date picker with a blue triangle in the date box (or white if it's within the selection). The user may select the range of days they choose to see by using the buttons at the top left. This functions similarly to the aircraft schedule controls.

The hours are displayed in the time zone that is set in the user’s schedule board settings (My Time Zone, Airport TZ or Zulu). By default, the time zone is set to the logged-in user’s time zone until changed by the user.


Cell Width Slider: This allows the user to customize the size of the cells for each view (MIN, HR, and DAY). The cell size settings will be saved automatically and for each view independently.

Fit to Card: This feature allows the user to designate if the text on the card template overflows or truncates to fit within the card.

Fit to Card defaults to YES and when toggled to Yes, the text is truncated where it cuts off the text if it reaches the edge of the object.

When toggled to No, the text on the object overflows beyond the edge of the card displaying all text in the template.

Note: if your text color is white, it will blend into the background in the "no" position.

The Search For field allows users to search free text from within the current search parameters.  This includes the Fleet, Aircraft, Crew and Vendor resource Cards.

Color Key: the color key provides a legend of the various colors of the information cards displayed in each of the view sections (Fleets, Aircraft, Vendor, and Crew). See Schedule Board: Event Type and Category Color-coding 
for how to modify color-coding settings.

Filter: The filter icon allows users to simultaneously search for specific resources in each timeline view. This also includes the functionality to search for aircraft that are within a set number of NM of the designated airport.

Click the Filters icon to launch the filter modal. When it modal is launched, each section is enabled based on the enabled views in the user's Schedule Board. Any view that is not enabled displays the text "no filters available" under that section within the filter. Each drop down only displays the resources that are currently loaded in the schedule board.

To search for an aircraft within a set proximity of an airport use the fields Proximity and NM. Proximity allows the user to search for aircraft that are within the set number of NM from a specified airport based on the last known location of the aircraft. The last known location of the aircraft is based on the last saved flight log.

When an aircraft fits the requirements entered, it displays on the Schedule Board once the filter is applied.

If the user wants to use the proximity on specific aircraft, but not all aircraft, then the user can use the Aircraft drop-down within the filters to select the aircraft they exclusively want to apply the filter to. The user is also able to layer the other sections together with the Aircraft and Proximity. For example, if the user wants to search for aircraft within 75 NM from KBNA, and they want to see specific crew schedules, they are able to accomplish this with the Filter.

Reload: The reload button on the Schedule Board allows the user to refresh the data in the current view. Using this button maintains the current view but pulls in any changes that have been made since the last reload. Reload differs from ‘refresh’ because it maintains the current view selections. If the user refreshes the page using the browser’s refresh button, then the current view will be lost and will return the user to the current day, and the timeline view based on the schedule board saved search that is in use.

'Jump to' Resource: This field allows you to quickly locate specific information without the need to scroll or filter/hide any non-matching information.

Use the 'jump to' text box to search a specific resource, i.e. Fleets, Aircraft, Vendor, or Crew. Once the resource has been selected the timeline view will “Jump To” that resource and will display it at the top of the selected timeline view.

The Jump To filter for each timeline view updates based on the results loaded from the use of the Filter.

See related articles for a complete guide to Schedule Board functionality

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