Schedule Board: Settings

Schedule Board: Settings

The Schedule Board provides visibility to all scheduled activities for trips both on and off fleet, fleets used as a hold line, and crew on a single calendar view. This article explains:

  • Time Zone displays

  • the available settings for the Schedule Board

  • overview of using templates


There are various filter options available that dictate what displays on the Schedule Board. Click the settings icon to open the Search Filters options which allow each user to customize and save their own display(s). This is accomplished by using the filters for each view: Fleets, Aircraft, Vendor, or Crew. Once the desired changes are made, the user may select Reload or Save/Share to view the changes on their Schedule Board.

Note: Reload updates the current view to show the changes but does not maintain those settings if the user navigates away from the page or refreshes the web page.

To access the search filters to set up your resource views for the Schedule Board click on the Settings icon.

The Settings menu enables each user to customize and save their own display settings along with aircraft/crew data. Once the desired changes are made, the user will click “Save” and it will save the changes moving forward. These settings are not tied to the saved searches.

Time Zones

There are three time zone views available -

  • My TZ: All Schedule Board activity displays in the time zone of the logged-in user

  • Zulu: All Schedule Board activity displays in Zulu time

  • Airport TZ: All Schedule Board activity displays in local time to the airport on the flight leg or event.

Enable Views

“Views” are the four resources of the Schedule Board that can be shown or hidden independently, including Fleets, Aircraft, Vendor, and Crew. To show a view, click the name of the view until it is gray. To hide a view click the name of the view until it is white.

View Tabs

Each view tab has various available filter options to allow the user to display selected data. Once a filter is selected it can be dragged and dropped into the desired order. Click + Add Filter to see a drop-down of available filters for each view tab.


Each view tab offers various options allowing the user to customize their view on the Schedule Board.

How to Enable Views

To enable a view on the Schedule Board, be sure to select that resource under Enable View. Below, Aircraft and Crew are the selected resources to view.


This list is populated from the Fleets list in My Company>Aircraft>Fleets tab. A fleet may be selected from the list, or the user can choose to select an aircraft type or tag from this list. If left empty, no aircraft types will populate.


Allows the users to filter the aircraft view by All active aircraft, Type, Category (Heavy Jet, Helicopter, Jet Airline, etc.), Tail number, Regulation, or Tag. If left empty, no aircraft will appear on the Schedule Board


This filter has 3 options for pulling in Vendor aircraft. You can display them by Operator and all tail numbers will be grouped by vendor in alphanumeric order, by aircraft category, or by aircraft type. If this field is left empty no Vendor Aircraft will pull onto the Schedule Board.


Allows the users to filter the personnel by All Active Personnel, Crew, Type (Type Rating), Program, or Tag. If left empty, no personnel will appear on the Schedule Board

See below for a list of available filter options for each view tab.

  • Fleets: Fleets, Trip Stages, Leg Status, Regulatory, Accounts, Include Locked Trips toggle and Include Cancelled Legs toggle

  • Aircraft: Aircraft, Trip Stages, Leg Status, Regulatory, Include Locked Trips toggle, Include Cancelled Legs toggle, Include Brokered Flights toggle, Include Personnel Events toggle, Include Offline Events toggle, Include Discrepancy toggle, Include Transient Availability toggle, Include Crew Assignments toggle, and Show only Aircraft with flights schedule toggle.

  • Vendor: Show only Vendor Aircraft with schedule items toggle, Vendor Aircraft, Trip Stage, Leg Status, Include Locked Trips, Include Cancelled Legs, Include Personnel Events.

  • Crew: Personnel, Trip Stages, Leg Status, Regulatory, Include Locked Trips toggle, Include Cancelled Legs toggle, Include Medical Events toggle, Include Personnel Events toggle, Include Qualifications Events toggle, Include Transient Availability toggle, Include Crew Availability toggle, and Include Crew Assignments toggle.

Note: The Fleets view is intended to be a hold line for trips with no specific aircraft assignment. For this reason, the aircraft filter is by aircraft type and not by tail number.

Options to Customize

Show only Aircraft with flights schedule: When toggled to yes, the setting allows the user to view only the aircraft in the Aircraft timeline that has flight activity scheduled within the selected date range. When enabled, many of the previous filters within the Aircraft view are removed since the resources being shown are driven by what is on the schedule.

Stages: Stages pull in based on the active stages created in the Operation's stages settings in Operations>Settings>Stages. If left empty, all stages appear on the Schedule Board.

Leg Status: This list is populated by pulling in each of the available leg status options. If left empty, all leg statuses will appear on the Schedule Board

Regulatory: This filters by the leg’s regulation. The regulation sets can be found in the regulatory set setup in Crew Records>Regulatory Sets as shown below. Because of this, the filter works whether the user selects a reg or a reg set in the leg. If left empty, legs of all regulations appear on the Schedule Board.


  • If a Part 135 trip has a Part 91 last leg, filtering by Part 135 shows only the 135 legs and not the 91 leg.

  • If the reg set, EASA (Normal Duty), is assigned to a trip, but the base reg for this reg set is EU-OPS, EU-OPS is the filter the user needs to select to show the legs of that type.

Accounts: This list pulls from the active list of Accounts within the Operation's account. If left empty, legs for all accounts will appear on the Schedule Board.

Include Locked Trips: When toggled to yes the schedule will display trips that have been locked. When toggled to No the schedule will hide trips that have been locked.

Include Cancelled Legs: When toggled to yes the Schedule Board will display any legs in a trip that have the leg status set to canceled. When toggled to no the Schedule Board does not display legs that have their leg status set to cancel.

Include Personnel Events: When toggled to yes, personnel events appear on the Schedule Board using the color-coding that has been set up using the Event Type Colors template located in the Company Profile. To learn how to customize the background and text colors for personnel events view this guide: Schedule Board: Event Type and Category Color-coding. When toggled to no, personnel events do not appear on the Schedule Board.

Include Offline Events: When toggled to yes, the Maintenance Offline Events for the aircraft appear on the Schedule Board in red. When toggled to no, the Offline Events do not appear on the Schedule Board. The Aircraft Information Card still displays in red if the aircraft is currently offline due to maintenance regardless of what this setting is toggled to.

The white corners in the bottom left and right indicate that the offline event carries over into multiple days. The color of the corners is determined by the assigned text color for the event card.

Include Discrepancy: When toggled to yes, the maintenance Discrepancy for the aircraft appear on the Schedule Board in orange. When toggled to no, the maintenance Discrepancy does not appear on the Schedule Board. The Aircraft Information Card still displays as orange if the aircraft currently has any open discrepancies regardless of what this setting is toggled to.

The white corners in the bottom left and right indicate that the discrepancy carries over into multiple days. The color of the corners is determined by the assigned text color for the event card.

Include Transient Availability: When toggled to yes, the Transient Availability for the aircraft and/or personnel member appears gray on the Schedule Board. The block includes the last location from the applicable trip or event, as well as, the date and time of the trip or event's last activity. For example, if an aircraft's home base is KAUS and the last flight activity had the aircraft land in KTUL at 1042am on 05/18/2020, that is the data that displays on the Schedule Board. When toggled to no the Transient Availability for aircraft and/or personnel does not appear.

Include Crew Assignments: When toggled to yes, the Crew Assignments created display on both the aircraft and crew schedules on the Schedule Board.

Show only Vendor Aircraft with scheduled items: When this setting is enabled to yes it allows the user to view only the vendor aircraft in the Vendor timeline that has flight activity scheduled within the selected date range. When enabled, the other filters within the Vendor view are removed since the resources being shown are driven by what is on the schedule.

Include Medical Events: When toggled to yes, the Medical Events appear on the Schedule Board in blue based on the Next Due date entered in the medical on the user's personnel profile. When toggled to no, the Medical Events do not appear on the Schedule Board.

Include Qualification Events: When toggled to yes, the Qualification Events appear on the Schedule Board in brown based on the Next Due date entered in the qualification item. When toggled to no, the Qualification Events do not appear on the Schedule Board.


For a detailed explanation of Resource Templates, please refer to Schedule Board: Resource Templates

For a detailed explanation of how to personalize the event display text, please refer to Schedule Board: Personalizing Event Display Settings (User)

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