Scheduling: Aircraft

Scheduling: Aircraft

Avianis offers the ability to customize certain information on your calendar. This gives you the ability to prioritize the information that is most important to you. 

This article will cover:

  • My Settings; and

  • Timeline Settings; and

  • Saved Searches; and

  • Filters options; and

  • Show/Hide filters; and

  • Time zone view options; and

  • Aircraft containers


My settings allows the user to update the information that displays on the aircraft container. To update these selections click "My Settings" in the right corner of the calendar. When expanded there will be two columns where the user can click and drag the data to "Hide" or "Display". When complete, push the "Save" button to save your preferences. It is important to note that My Settings does not save in the saved searches and will need to be updated by the logged in user to view the needed data.


There are various timeline setting options (5, 7, 10, 14 or 30). This selection determines the number of days the user will see on their calendar. Once selected, if the user clicks the forward or backward arrows the calendar's date range will move forward or backward based on the timeline view selected. For example, if 14 day is selected and the forward arrow is clicked, the calendar will move forward 14 days.

The Today button will automatically adjust the timeline view to the current date. Next to the Today button is a calendar icon that the user is able to click to expand and select a specific start date. Upon saving the user will see their calendar adjust starting with the date the user selected and spanning the number of days based on the timeline view selection. At any point the user is able to reference the date range next to their calendar icon to quickly identify which dates are currently displayed in their calendar.


Saving a Search

The calendar allows a user to save various searches for quick access. To save a search follow these steps:

  1. Set the preferred timeline

  2. Click Filters and set the preferred filters and settings including the view you want to load (5, 7, 10, 14, 30 Day Timeline or Month)

  3. Click Save

  4. Name the new search, share with other individuals or groups in your organization (if necessary) and click "Save".

Use the drop down to quickly move between different calendar saved searches. If a search is shared with you, there is an icon to the left of the search name to differentiate it.


  • If the user is saving a search based on a search that was shared with them, then the only option they will have when saving the search is to Create New in the saved search form.

  • If the user is saving a search based on a search that they created then the user will be able to Edit, Create New, Share Search and/or Delete the search in the saved search form.

Editing an Existing Saved Search

The user is able to edit any saved searches in their saved search list. This can be done by toggling to the Edit button in the saved search form or by toggling to Create New.

If the user selects Edit the existing search is updated with any changes made to the timeline view, filters and/or name of the search. Upon saving this will overwrite the existing search with the new updates made to the timeline view, filters, share search selections and/or title of the search. Any users that the search was shared with will also see the updates within their search.

If the user wants to use an existing search to build a new search off of then they can use the Create New option. This creates a new saved search in the users saved search list. Upon saving any updated timeline view, filters, share search selections and/or title of the search will be saved with the search. If the user tries to save a new search with a name that already exists a warning will display to notify the user, but this does not prevent the user from saving the search and creating a duplicate.

When the user leaves the calendar (scheduling) and then returns, the last calendar display the user viewed will display. 


  • If a user has custom scheduling settings on their profile, the user is not able to save searches. Additionally, the user's aircraft filter is set automatically and is locked from being able to edit.


There are several filter options available within the calendar that allows the user to customize their calendar view to pull in specific data for their needs. To set the filters click on Filters to expand the available options.

Select Aircraft: Allows the user to pull specific aircraft into their calendar view. The options are:

  • All Aircraft

  • Category

  • Type

  • Tail Number

  • Regulatory

The order in which the aircraft are pulled into the field is the order in which the aircraft will display on the calendar.

Containers: Allows the user to view personnel events on their calendar based on what is set in the Duty/Event Category within the event. The duty/event categories are customizable by the user and the list will display what the user has set in their account. To learn more about Duty/Event Categories please view this article Global Settings: General.

Select Stages: Allows the user to pull in trips based on the trip stage currently selected within the trip. The trip stages are customizable by the user and the list will display what the user has set in their account. To learn more about trip stages go to Configure trip stages.

Select Tags: Allows a user to pull in tags that are applied to an aircraft profile. Tags and Tag Categories are customizable by the user and the list will display tags that are tied to a tag category related to aircraft. To learn more about tags and tag categories please visit this article Global Settings: General.

Regulatory types (All Types Drop Down): Allows a user to filter based on the type of operations user would like to see. This populates based on the regulatory type indicated within each "Trip."


There are several filter options that the user can choose to Show or Hide. This is a toggle option that when clicked will slide the toggle to state Show or Hide. When set to Show that data will display on the calendar. When set to Hide that data will be hidden on the calendar.

Pending Trips: This setting refers to a Global Setting where the organization can have a pending stage for quotes. This is typically used for tentative trips that have not yet been confirmed and require a placeholder on the calendar.

Locked Trips: Users with certain access are able to lock trips. This setting designates if those locked trips show on the calendar or not.

Brokered Flights: When a vendor aircraft is created, a trip is scheduled on the vendor aircraft and Brokered Flights is set to show The details to the trip will display on the calendar.

Personnel Events: This setting allows the user to see the personnel events on the aircraft schedule, if Event Containers are selected and showing.

A/C Discrepancies: When set to show, aircraft discrepancies will display on the associated aircraft outlining the details with regards to who, what and when.

Aircraft Offline Events: When set to show, the offline event will display for the assigned time frame within the associated aircraft row on the calendar.

Transient Availability: When selected to display, a transient note referring to where and when the aircraft is transient will display in each calendar block.


Indicate the time preference for the display of all details on the calendar by selecting My TZ, Airport TZ or Zulu.

My TZ: All calendar activities such as flight legs, events, offline events and discrepancies will display in the users logged in and viewing the calendar Time zone. 

Airport TZ: All calendar activities such as flight legs, events, offline events and discrepancies will display in associated airports Time zone. For example, if an event is created with only a Start Airport and not an End Airport, the time displayed will be from the Start Airport's Time zone. 

Zulu: All calendar activities such as flight legs, events, offline events and discrepancies will display in Zulu time. 


Click on the aircraft tail number to launch a pop up window which displays a summary of the data from the aircraft profile including the aircraft's operational data, contracts, and discrepancies.

Ref: O-C01

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