August 2017 Release Notes

August 2017 Release Notes

The following release notes outline feature enhancements throughout various areas in the application: 

Customer Portal
Preferred FBOs

User Role: Fleet Administrator
Account (Customer) Notes
Printable and Searchable Activity Feed
Display Settings for Personnel Events
Brokered Flights
Create Case from Flight Log
Vendor and Vendor Aircraft Profiles
Preferred FBO Override
Critical Trip Snapshot Flag
Hard Stop Booking Settings
Seller Note Templates
Auto-Set Deal for Copied Quote and Display Updates
Crew Records
Additional Rate Options
Account (Customer) Specific Qualification Items

Preferred FBOs
If preferred FBOs are set up at the account level in the main Avianis application, when a travel request is submitted through the client portal and the trip is created, the FBOs will auto-select in the trip. Customer Portal User Guide

User Role: Fleet Administrator
The Fleet Administrator role provides access to the Aircraft section within My Company. This user role allows a user to add and edit aircraft information. Understanding User Roles

Add Notes to Account
Customize and organize account level notes. Create Note Categories to select from in the account and add information for quick and easy reference. Check out Add Notes to an Account

Printable and Search Activity Feed
Click View All on each record's activity feed to easily page, search keywords and export to various files types. 

Display Settings for Personnel Events

When a user has custom scheduler settings for personnel, they are able to view the assigned personnel events on the aircraft calendar when the event containers are selected and displaying. Note: Be sure to set Personnel Events to Show under Filters. Calendar Visibility Settings

Brokered Flights on the Calendar
The operations Avianis Admin has the ability to set whether a personnel needs visibility to brokered flights. When a user has custom scheduler settings, there is a brokered flight option with the ability to set yes or no. If set to no, the brokered flight toggle on the aircraft calendar no loner displays. Calendar Visibility Settings

Create Cases from Flight Log
Cases allow operations to capture service issues and safety concerns. Crew can document cases through the flight log. When a case is created from the log, the flight leg will automatically be selected and will not be editable. Input the various service or safety related details and once save, the case details are available through the main Case Management page. Case Management

Vendor and Vendor Aircraft Profiles
In the vendor record on the overview tab, a Tax ID field is available.
In the vendor aircraft record, the name of the associated vendor will display at the top next to the tail number. When in a vendor aircraft record, easily click to the vendor record by clicking the Go To Vendor button at the top right. 

Preferred FBO Override
When account or operation FBO preferences are setup, an FBO is auto-selected on the applicable flight legs. If a user attempts to change from something other than a preferred, they will be required to document why the change is taking place. The details are captured in the activity feed and in override section in the trip snapshot. 

Critical Trip Snapshot Flag
If all legs within a trip do not have an assigned PIC, a critical flag will display in the Trip Snapshot > Crew section. 

Hard Stop Booking Settings
The quote snapshot captures pertinent information and potential issues at either a warning or critical level. An added critical item is when a quote does not contain an account. This is to ensure a quote does not get booked without an account (customer) name. Set permissions based on user role defining who has the ability to book quotes according to warning and critical hard stops. To set permissions, go to My Company > Global Settings > Quote > Settings. Quote Snapshot and Booking a Quote

Seller Note Templates
Create custom seller notes on a global level to easily add to quotes. Go to My Company > Global Settings > Quote > Seller Notes.

Auto-Set Deal for Copied Quote and Display Updates
Deals allow the sales team to capture additional information such as lead source, lead stage, expected close date, campaign code and deal status reasons. Quotes and deals can be associated. Once a quote contains an associated deal, when the quote is copied, it is automatically tied to the deal. This allows charter sales to tie several quote options to one deal for opportunity tracking. Additional enhancements have been made to the Deal section within a quote displaying all associated quotes, i.e. quote number, status, aircraft and total. Deals and Quotes

Additional Rate Options
In Personnel > Employment an additional rate section is available to add rates based on aircraft and/or aircraft type for internal reference.  

Account (Customer) Specific Qualification Items
Associate Account(s) (Customers) to qualification items for currency tracking. If accounts(s) are selected on a qualification item, the item is checked only if the account on the trip matches the account on the qualification item. If accounts are differentiated on the leg level, it checks the applicable legs only. The results display in the Trip Snapshot > Crew section. Add Qualification Item to Account

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