October 2017 Release Notes

October 2017 Release Notes

The following release notes outline feature enhancements throughout various areas in the application:

Multiple Accounts on Aircraft
APIS Submission Status
CARICOM Integration
Creating Vendor Aircraft
Generic Aircraft Profiles
Proposed Duty/Rest and Block Time
Profit Analysis Updates
Create Quote from Account and Lead
Deal Type
Deal Search
Account Selection on Invoice
Expense Search Page
Job Card Management
Document (File) Updates
Upload Files to Tasks
Calendar Auto Refresh Option


Multiple Account on Aircraft
In the managed aircraft profiles, associate multiple accounts to an aircraft. This allows an operation to associate more than one account entity to a managed aircraft. Quick Start Guide: Account Setup

APIS Submission Status
If an APIS submission has been made and then changes occur on the trip, based on the change control settings set in the trip stage, the APIS status will change to critical (red) communicating in the APIS section within the trip snapshot, that the APIS must be transmitted again. Change control settings include passenger manifest, airports, regulatory type, FBO assigment, schedule time change, crew assignment and/or aircraft. Configure Trip Stages

CARICOM Integration
For operations that conduct flights in and out of the Caribbean, Avianis offers a CARICOM integration. The application will automatically identify when a submission is needed. Easily access the Trip Snapshot within a trip to transit the submission. Once submitted, the status returns to Avianis. Setup CARICOM

Creating Vendor Aircraft
When creating a vendor aircraft from within a charter operator type vendor, additional options are available to assist in providing basic performance data. Using the standard type profile contains specific aircraft data such as cruise speeds, climb speeds/rate and descent speed/rates. In addition, standard information includes crew seating capacity, passenger seating capacity, cruise speed, cruising altitude, fuel type, fuel stop distance and fuel stop time. Additionally, an operation is able to create the same tail number within the vendor record that may exist in the managed fleet list and vice versa. Add Vendor Aircraft


Generic Aircraft Profiles
When creating a quote and/or trip there are options such as Managed Fleet, Vendor Fleet and newly added Generic Profiles. Generic profiles are aircraft specific profiles such as Gulfstream IVSP, Hawker 900, King Air 200, etc. Each profile contains standard information such as crew seating capacity, passenger seating capacity, cruise speed, cruising altitude, fuel type, fuel stop distance and fuel stop time. Once a quote/trip is created on a generic profile, it is automatically added to the generic profile section of the operation's account for further management, i.e. add amenities information, images, etc. This allows users to create and manage generic aircraft for the sales side of the business in a more efficient manner. Generic and Vendor Aircraft

Proposed Duty/Rest and Block Time
The proposed block, duty and rest values that are displayed in the trip overview page have been added to the quote overview page.

Profit Analysis in Quote
There have been various updates within the profit analysis section of the quote snapshot. Check out a detailed example in the Profit Analysis guide. Below are the updates:

  • Changed the text that says "Total" to say "Subtotal" 

  • Added a new row below subtotal called "Discount"

  • Below the discount row is a row named "Total with Discount". The cost column displays the same value as what is in the cost column for subtotal; however, the profit column displays the profit from the subtotal minus the discount. 

  • The profit percentage results consider the new total with discount rather than the subtotal. 

  • The profit percentage compares the total with discount profit value to the pre-tax total on the quote.

  • In the aircraft profile, under the contract tab, if the designation is flat hourly, there is a drop down next to the Flight Minimum Share % field that has the following two options (Owner Hourly Rate and Billed Rate). If owner hourly rate is selected, it will calculate the minimums profit and cost based on the passenger and positioning rates in the contract, not based on the hourly rate from the quote.

Create Quote from Lead
From the quotes section within a lead easily create a quote. When created from the lead, the account defaults and the quote only option defaults. Create a Quote

Create Trip/Quotes/Invoices/Deals from Account
From the activity section within an account record, easily access account activity. From the different activity types such as trips, quotes, etc., create a new record. For example, when you access trips, create a trip right from there. Create a Quote

Deal Type
Deals allow an operation to track sales opportunities. When creating a deal, there are three options to select from, general, aircraft and job card. Once the deal is created, a user has the option to tie the deal to a newly created jet card or create the jet card from within the deal. Create a Deal

Deal Search Page
The deal search page contains the same search and filter setup as the remainder of the pages. This allows a user to customize what is displaying and search on various criteria. For example, if the operation subscribes to the Avinode charter marketplace, uses the customer portal and tracks jet card opportunities all within the deals section, the updated search page will allow for separation of the deals types. Easily add a search, "deal type" is Avinode, search and save. That way it's easier to view and manage. Deal Search Page


Account Selection on Invoice
When an invoice is created from within a trip, if there is one account assigned to the trip, that account will be auto-selected in the invoice account drop down. If the trip has more than one account assigned to it, the account selection will not be auto-populated and all of the accounts on the trip will display within the drop down. Lastly, a user can always type an account name if the invoice needs to be for an account other than what is assigned to the trip. Create Trip Invoice

Expense Search Page
On the Expenses and My Expenses search pages, a filter and display column for trip type is available. This is a text based search and allows users to filter for expenses tied to trips where the trip type matches their filter parameter. For example, trip type equals owner, charter, training, etc. 


Job Card Management
If an aircraft is marked as out of service in a job card with an out of service and projected return to service date entered but no actual return to service date, we are prohibiting the user from setting the completed, completed by or completed date values at the top of the job card. Once an actual return to service date/time is entered, the job card can be completed. If the take aircraft out of service checkbox is not checked, the completed fields can be edited without the actual return to service date and time. Put an Aircraft Down for Maintenance


Document (File) Updates
The document upload, edit functionality and overall look has undergone several updates. Below is a list of the updates:

  • Renamed to Files in My Company 

  • Searchable Tables 

  • Tag Documents 

  • Share with Groups

  • Link button indicating the document is linked to other records. 

Check out File Upload and Sharing

Upload Files to Tasks

Whether an automated trip task or manually created task, upload document(s) to any task on any record. Upload Files to Tasks

Calendar Auto Refresh Option
An additional button has been added to the calendar which allows users to turn off the 5-minute auto refresh on their specific calendar. This applies to both the Aircraft and Crew schedules.

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