Quick Start Guide: Account Setup

Quick Start Guide: Account Setup

This article outlines how to update your company information, add personnel, aircraft, customers and vendors to your account.
This article details how to:
  • Add company information, personnel and aircraft

  • Enable personnel profile restrictions

  • Setup aircraft profile settings

  • Create accounts, contacts/leads and vendors


The company profile lays out the basic information about the organization such as contact numbers, hours of operations, certificate number and more. When utilizing the default quote and trip documents, some of these fields will dynamically pull in if entered (address, phone, email and website). Additionally, a company logo can be uploaded into the profile page which will also pull into documents generated from Avianis.

  1. Access and edit the company information go to My Company > Profile from the main navigation.

  2. Then input all of the relevant information pertaining to the organization.

  3. To upload a logo, click on "Choose File" at the top of the page, select the company logo picture file and click "Upload".

NOTE: the logo will appear actual size on documents so please insure the file is scaled accordingly.

Important company documents (DO-85, Insurance, etc.) can also be added within the Company Profile by dragging and dropping the files into the "My Files" section on the right side of the page.


In order for business users and crew members to access Avianis they must be setup within the account. Once created, the users will setup their own passwords and login.

  1. To create new users proceed to My Company > Personnel from the main navigation and click "Create".

  2. Next, select whether this is a business or a flight crew user.

  3. Click "Next".

    Note: Flight crew will only have access to their flight logs, schedule, expenses, airport directory, tasks and vendors. For more details on what user roles are available for each license please reference Understanding User Roles.

  4. Input the email/username.

  5. Once the email address is added it will look across all Avianis accounts. If the email/username already exists, it will auto fill the First Name, Middle Name (if applicable), and Last name. Home Base is required to be entered. If the user does exist you will receive an error message, and a different email address for the new user is required.

Note: If they do not exist, it will show the confirm email address field to the right of that email field and then the rest of the form will need to be manually entered in.

The link in the welcome email to setup their password will only be valid for 30 minutes. If they have not setup their password within this period of time, they can go to login.avianis.com, enter their email and click the Forgot Password link.


Once the user is created, clicking "Save" will redirect to the full personnel profile. From there appropriate user roles, restrictions and schedule settings are added on the right hand side of the application.

  • Restrict Profile: This setting allows an admin to restrict a users profile to read only. The user is unable to add/edit any of the profile settings except for their signature within the "Profile" tab.

  • Scheduling Settings: Schedule settings can be customized for all users. If the user is not supposed to see all aircraft or personnel activity on their calendar view an Administrator can restrict their settings. Select custom, then select the applicable aircraft and/or personnel, finally click "Save Changes."

Find out more on building the flight crew member personnel profiles: Flight Crew Personnel Profiles.


Aircrafts are required in order to begin generating quotes or trips on managed fleet. For off fleet tail numbers, those profiles are built as Vendor Aircraft. For more information on Vendor tail numbers please reference, Vendor aircraft are added in an alternate area.

  1. Access the managed aircraft by proceeding to My Company > Aircraft > Create.

  2. In the pop-up add in the aircraft tail number and select the desired aircraft type from the three options: Standard, From Aircraft or Create New.

  • Standard Type Profile - While serving as the preferred method the Standard Type profile will auto-populate many of the fields on the Aircraft page with values most common for the make/model of aircraft selected as the template. All values are editable within the profile once created.

  • From Aircraft - This option copies the following information from an already created tail number within the organizations managed fleet. Those values are: Aircraft Type, Homebase, Fuel Type, Regulatory, Trip/Flight Log Preferences, seating information, cruise speed and altitude, Operating Weights, Min Runway Length, Fuel Stop Threshold and Burn, and Flight Time Configuration. All values are editable within the profile once created.

  • Create New: This will create an aircraft page as a blank slate where all information will need to be entered manually. This option is utilized if the aircraft type cannot be found within the Standard Type Profiles provided or cannot be copied from an existing managed tail number profile.


Trip / Flight Log Preferences - Additional Trip/Flight Log Preferences can be enabled from within the top right corner of the aircraft profile, below are details of each function.

  • Requires SIC - An additional check is run on trips for this aircraft to ensure at least one SIC is assigned to each leg on the trip. If an SIC is not assigned, a critical flag will be shown in the trip feasibility.

  • Requires Flight Attendant - once the framework is complete, when selected, an additional check is run on trips for this aircraft to ensure a Flight Attendant is assigned to each leg on the trip. If a Flight Attendant is not assigned, a critical flag will be shown in the trip feasibility.

    • Note: there is no current functionality for this data point as the framework is still being developed. This is for internal reference only.

  • Additional Crew - No functionality is driven from this designation and it simply for internal reference.

  • Single Pilot - No functionality is driven from this designation and it simply for internal reference.

  • Cargo - An additional field is displayed in the Weight and Balance tab of the flight log when enabled to capture Cargo Weight.

  • Medical - No functionality is driven from this designation and it simply for internal reference.

  • Passenger - No functionality is driven from this designation and it simply for internal reference.

  • Managed - Determines if the tail number is available in certain areas of the application, such as, reports, maintenance records and operations.

  • Use Tach Meter - Additional fields are displayed on the flight log for aircraft with this designation to capture Tach Start and Tach End.

  • Use Rotary Log - While intended for helicopters it can be utilized on any aircraft. When enabled the OUT/IN fields are removed and the Hobbs Start/Stop fields are displayed. In addition, a T/O 2, LAND 2 and APPR 2 options are added. This would only be utilized if there were multiple take offs and/or landings done where one was Day and the other Night. Although not frequently used nor required the setting also allows for multiple approaches to be captured with different Approach Types. Two additional fields will also be displayed for Coll. Hobbs Start/Stop if relevant. Finally, an additional tab is displayed for Engine Statistics which allows the user to capture very detailed engine data for the flight leg for each engine.

  • Use Hobbs Meter - Additional field are displayed on the flight log for aircraft with this designation to capture Hobbs Start and Hobbs End.

  • Require Hobbs Meter - If Use Hobbs Meter of Use Rotary Log are enabled, this designation will ensure the crew members enter values for these fields before they save the log.

  • Enable NVG - Additional fields are displayed on the flight log for aircraft with this designation to capture Night Vision Goggle time for PIC and SIC.

  • Forestry - An additional tab is displayed on the flight log to capture specific details for Forestry departments.

  • Law Enforcement - An additional tab is displayed on the flight log to capture specific details for Law Enforcement agencies.

To continue developing the Aircraft page, click here to see how to fill out the Aircraft Profile Tab.


There are three main records in Avianis that are used to manage customers (Leads, Accounts and Contacts). Accounts are the parent record in which contacts such as passengers, executive assistants, etc. are associated with.

  1. Access on "Accounts" from the main navigation

  2. Click "Create"

  3. Enter the Account name, type and select "Save & Edit" to access the full account profile.

NOTE: To add to the default list or customize the organizations account type users with proper permissions can proceed to My Company > Global Settings > CRM > Account Types.


Leads are utilized to keep track of potential customers and allow users to build their profile and generate quotes without converting them to a full account. Contacts are passengers, executive assistances and/or business associates already connected to an account within the organization.

  1. If already in the desired Account click on the Contacts tab and then "Create".

  2. Enter the contacts name and email address.

  3. Next click "Save & Edit" to access the full contact profile.

  4. In order to create a contact or lead outside of an account, click on the Contact section from the main navigation.

  5. Click "Create"

  6. Select whether the new entry is a Contact or a Lead.

  7. If the entry is a contact add in the full name and email address.

  8. Click "Save & Edit" to access their full profile.


Vendor relationships such as hotels, caterers, FBOs, handlers, charter operators and more can all be tracked within Avianis similar to customers.

  1. Navigate to "Vendors" from the main menu.

  2. Click "Create"

  3. Enter the Vendor name, type and click "Save & Edit" to access the full profile.

Each vendor record can contain contact information, multiple contacts, associated aircraft (for Charter Operators), airport locations and more. NOTE: For certain vendor types, when tied to airports, they will show up in the services area of trips for that airport (click here to learn how to add a vendor to an airport).

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