2018: Release 2

2018: Release 2

The following release notes outline feature enhancements throughout various areas of the application: 

Regulatory Set Updates
Crew Check-In
Time Entry in UTC
Summary Details for Trip
Flight Time Rounding
Editing Dates/Times on a Flight Leg
Adjust Flight Time
Flight Log Updates

Crew Records
Qualification Items: Grace Period Settings
Qualification Items: Tail Number
Takeoff/Landing Currency
Instrument Proficiency Checks
Auto-Populate Duty Record
SIC Logging PIC Hours
CSR Checks
Tail-Specific Training Items 

Charter Sales
Master Line Item Setting Options
Master Line Item Calculation Methods
Master Line Item Hierarchy by Country
Regulatory Set on Quotes 


MEL Category A Deferrals 

Snapshot Display Order
Custom Alert for Travel Documents
Equipment Types 


Regulatory Set Updates
Additional settings have been added to the Regulatory Sets to support operations under EASA, ANATO and IS-BAO. Below are the updates made to the regulatory beta option. Learn the details at Configure Regulatory Set (Beta)
1.) Duty day limits based on the number of flight sectors and duty date extensions, such as general extensions, split duty days and augmented crew scenarios. These options can consider window of circadian low.
2.) Time off requirements

Crew Check-In
From any page within the web-based application, a crew member can "Check-In" for their assignment. Once check-in is clicked, the personnel can set the start date and time or use the defaulted values (date and time the check-in button is clicked) to create their duty record. The duty record is accessible on the crew calendar and the associated trip flight log. Use the crew check-in feature for a quick duty record add. This functionality is available to users that have the Pilot, Chief Pilot or Flight Attendant role. 

Time Entry in UTC
When building and editing an existing quote/trip, designate whether the times entered are airport local or UTC times. 

Summary Details for Trip
When building a quote/trip, a trip summary displays pertinent information at the top such as total distance, flight/block time, travel time, days and overnights.

Flight Time Rounding
An additional rounding option is available on the global level. This option allows operations to set whether the flight times should round up to the nearest 5 minutes and display to the nearest 10th. The option to round to the nearest 10th of an hour based on the Avianis table as well as turning the rounding off all together are still options. Global Settings > Trip > Settings

Editing Dates/Times on a Flight Leg
When editing dates and times on flight legs, the functionality has been updated to still consider the turn time, but allow for various types of changes. For example, if leg one's departure time needs to occur after leg two's original departure time, a user will edit leg one's departure time and click save. During the save, the system will consider the turn time set from the aircraft profile and auto-set leg 2's departure time. Previously a user had to work the legs backwards depending on what types of changes needed to be made. The same functionality exists when working a trip in reverse. 

Adjust Flight Time
Flight time can be manually altered in a quote and trip. Once changed, it considers the global or aircraft variant setting to auto-calculate the block time. The default variant can be overridden at the quote and trip level, so the user has full flight time and block time editing capability. Lastly when editing, a user can enter the time in decimal format or hh:mm. 

Flight Log Updates
Various fields have been added to the flight log for additional data capture. Items included are fuel density, tech consumption, fuel drain, flight level, SAT, IAS, anti-icing and diversion airport. In addition, the layout under went reorganization to assist in the input flow. 


Qualification Items: Grace Period Settings
When a qualification is designated grace eligible, a pre and post grace field becomes available. This allows an operation to set the amount of pre and post grace period. For example, if a training item has a 3-month pre-grace period, but no post-grace, the pre-grace would be set to 3 and post-grace would be set to 0. Add Qualification Items to a Program

Qualification Items: Tail Number Specific Setting
Create tail number specific qualification items to be able to manage currency down to the a specific aircraft. Tie Qualification Item to an Aircraft

Takeoff and Landing Currency
An additional setting has been added to the experience tab of the regulatory set to indicate whether the take off and landing currency needs to be based on aircraft type or a more specific aircraft model. If type is selected, when a crew member is assigned to a trip, the check looks for logged take off and landings that have occurred on any model designations that are included in the type rating designation. For example, CE500 includes the 500. 501, 550, S550 and 551. Beta Regulatory Setup

Instrument Proficiency Checks
An event tab is available on the qualification item to check for adequate instrument approaches, holds and tracking events in a certain period of time. These will be checked and will flag in the snapshot along with the other crew regulatory checks. Add Events to Qualification Items

SIC Logging PIC Hours
When crewed in the SIC position, if the crew member is the Pilot Flying and is PIC qualified, operations can designate whether the crew member can accumulate PIC hours for that time. They are determined qualified if directly assigned to the aircraft or contains an aircraft specific type rating. This is a global option in Global Settings > Trip > Settings

Customer Service Representative (CSR) Checks
When a regulatory set is applied to a trip, any personnel assigned as the CSR position will not be run against the regulatory sets rest requirements. 


Refer to Customization of Master Line Items for more details on the additional setup options.

Master Line Items Setting Options
Additional conditions such as Tags, Accounts and Account Types are available for additional charge automation on quotes.
Tags: Using the tag condition can be helpful when wanting an additional charge to automate when the aircraft is tagged Wi-Fi.
Accounts: If a specific fee needs to apply based on the account (customer) being quoted, create a specific line item with condition account set.
Account Types: An operation has the ability to customize account types and assign to accounts. This setting allows an operation to set account types on the master line item. For example, if account type "broker" must be quoted a different amount for landing fees, use the account type to automate that on the quotes created for the account designated account type "broker.

Master Line Item Calculation Methods
Per Pax (Departure and Arrival):
An additional calculation method is available for master line items and line items manually added to quotes. This allows users to configure charges per passenger per leg per country.
Distance from Departure (NM): An additional calculation method has been added for master line items and line items manually added to quotes. This allows users to configure charges that are based on the number of nautical miles flown with multiple range charges. For example, certain airports in Europe will charge a different departure fee (per pax) for the aircraft based on how many miles they will fly on the leg out of their airport.
Editing a Master Line Item: The calculation method is no longer editable at the quote level when its a master line item. The best practice if a change in the master line item needs to occur is to delete the non-applicable item and create a new item within the quote. 

Master Line Item Hierarchy by Country
Setup master line items with a hierarchy to ensure duplicate charges are not added to quotes in specific situations. This functionality relates to items that need to be charged by country and then on airports within the country. For example, if a master line item is for overnights by country (Italy) and there are more specific overnight charges setup for certain airports in Italy, if one of the airports is in the quote, it will only add the airport-specific overnight charge and not the country-specific charge.

Regulatory Set on Quotes
Apply a regulatory set to quotes. This can assist in checking specific limitations and experiences at the quoting level. When a regulatory set is applied to a quote, any crew members directly assigned to the aircraft being quoted are checked against all limitations, experiences and time off set in the applied regulatory set. Flags are evident in the crew section of the quote snapshot. Review the crew section in the Quote Snapshot and How to Book a Quote guide.


The currency setting can be enabled in the operations account. This functionality allows an operation to setup their base currency and various conversion rates for other currencies. The conversion rates are currently the responsibility of the operation to manage as needed. The conversion rates can be applied to quotes, expenses and invoices. Review the Multi-Currency Setup and Management guide for more details.

The multi tax section permits the operation to create numerous tax rates. For example, Cargo, Passenger FET, VAT, Special State Tax, etc. The rates can be applied to quote flight charges, quote line items and invoice line items. One default must be designated. Check out Multi-Tax Rate Setup and Management for more information.


MEL Category A Deferrals
When inputting a discrepancy in Avianis, the deferred hours and cycle fields can be captured and are considered in the aircraft section of the quote and trip snapshots. For example, if an aircraft has 1000 hours and the deferred hours are 999, the discrepancy will flag due to exceeded 1000 by 1 hour. Learn how to Create a Discrepancy and defer it. 


Snapshot Display Order
Within the sections of the quote and trip snapshots, the ordering has been enhanced to order the critical items first, then warning and then informational items. Trip Snapshot and Tools

Custom Alert for Travel Documents
When creating a travel document for personnel and passengers, there is a custom alert threshold option. This option allows an operation to set the value of how many days out the travel document should show as a warning item in the trip snapshot. If not set, the application will flag when the document is within 30 days of expiring in any types of trips (domestic and international). Refer to Add Travel Documents to a Contact Record for more insight.

Equipment Types
In Global Settings > General, there is a section called Crew Equipment Types. Various types such as iPad, Uniform, Epaulets, etc. can be added. This is connected to the Employment section of the personnel profile and allows an operation to easily manage the issuing and returning of various items. See Equipment Types in the Global Setting > General Guide.

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