Introduction To Schedule Board

Introduction To Schedule Board

The Schedule Board is the new and improved calendar view for aircraft, crew, fleet, and vendor. The Schedule Board provides visibility to all scheduled activities for trips both on and off fleet, fleets used as a hold line, and crew on a single calendar view. In this article we will explain:

  • Schedule Board benefits

  • Transition tips and tricks

  • Common Q&As

Below are 2 quick start videos and 3 longer form videos specific to different roles

Quick Start Video Tutorials

Company Setup/Configuration Video Tutorials


Below are a few high value features available in the Schedule Board.

Right Click Functionality

Within Schedule Board, users have the ability to create a new trip or quote, view trip details, run a feasibility check, and much more with a simple right click. Clicking on an event card versus an empty space on the schedule board yields different options.

Template Customization

The information that displays on the schedule board for each event such as flight legs, offline events, personnel events and discrepancies, is fully customizable by each operation on a company level. Each department and user has different functions and therefore may need to see more or less information displaying on the event card; the templates can also be customized on the user level. Templates are customized on company level in My Company > Profile > Schedule Board > Default Event Templates.

Transient as shown above is only available for editing from the Company level
Templates are customized by each user within the schedule board > Settings icon > Templates tab.

Learn more about Template Customizations here

Color Customization

Easily identify flight leg status, trip type, and event types with color customization. These colors can be set on a company level by an administrator, operations manager, or chief pilot (My Company > Profile > Schedule Board > Event Type Colors).

Learn more about Color Customization here

Drag and Drop

The drag-and-drop feature allows users to manipulate crew events and flight events by dragging the event card accordingly. For example, dragging a flight card from your fleet view down to an aircraft will reassign that flight leg to that aircraft.

Additionally, flight cards can be dragged and dropped to a crew member to assign them to a flight leg.

See more drag-and-drop functionality here: Schedule Board - Guide to Basic Functions.

Fleet Health Overview

The schedule board provides a quick overview of fleet health using the colors red, orange, and green to indicate their status.

  • Red - aircraft is out of service.

  • Orange - aircraft has an open discrepancy.

  • Green - aircraft is returned to service with no open discrepancies.

Resource Stacking

Schedule Board allows you to "stack" each resource (aircraft, crew, vendor, fleet) for easy viewing, based on your operational needs. You can choose which resources you wish to stack and save that view accordingly.


Below are some tips and tricks to help aid in a successful transition to Schedule Board.

  1. Determine a Subject Matter Expert (SME) to help lead the transition. For large operations, we recommend one SME per department. Prior to the transition, the SME should

    1. Watch all applicable training videos.

    2. Set company templates and color coding (if user role is applicable).

    3. Create a saved search by department, and share it with the teams.

  2. View Schedule Board next to Scheduling (in different browsers) to refine your view and get used to the slight differences.

  3. Review our help content: Schedule Board - Avianis

  4. Ask questions via Avianis chat or email (


Below are common questions and answers for Schedule Board -

Q: How do I access Schedule Board

A: Schedule Board is accessible via the left-hand menu on the web application.

Note: we do not recommend using the Schedule Board on a mobile device (tablet, cell phone, etc). Schedule Board is best viewed on a desktop or laptop computer.

Q: I don't see the Schedule Board icon in my menu, how do I get it?

A: Reach out to Avianis Product Support via chat or email ( to enable Schedule Board for your operation.

Q: My Schedule Board is blank, what do I do?

A: Ensure a view is enabled via settings (blue gear icon). Once enabled, reload the Schedule Board.

Q: What can I do to improve performance?

A: There are a few things to help performance -

  • Reduce your timeline view, this reduces the amount of data the schedule board loads and displays.

  • Minimize any resources that are not being used using the + / - icons. This also reduces the total data displayed on Schedule Board.

  • Check your internet browser for any updates and install as needed. We recommend viewing the Schedule Board in Chrome or Firefox.

Q: How can I get Schedule Board to look like the old calendar?

A: There are two settings that help the Schedule Board mimic the view of the old calendar

  1. Set column view to Day

  2. Ensure Show Event Length By is set to Fixed. To adjust, access Settings > Templates > Show Event Length B > Set to Fixed

3. Reload Schedule Board after making these adjustments. If the view is to your liking, we recommend saving this view via the Save/Share button.

Q: Why am I seeing all personnel? I only need to see flight crew members.

A: You can filter personnel via Settings > Crew > Personnel. You can add crew individually by name, or add crew based on training programs, type rating, aircraft assignment, or tags.

Below are additional links to assist users in navigating and setting up their Schedule Board


Video tutorials

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