The following areas of the Avianis Web Application have been updated:
My Schedule (Replacing My Flights)
Flight Bridge Updates (Location in Trip iFrame to start)
Schedule Board Updates
Fleet Feasibility Checks
Various Bug Fixes
My Schedule is a tab on the Home Dashboard that lists all flights and events on the user’s schedule. This list of items allows the user a focused view of their schedule outside of the larger scheduling tools, to which they may or may not have full access. This is one of the few places where it is possible for crewmembers to acknowledge assigned flight legs. Since My Schedule is replacing My Flights, this page will no longer be accessible.
My Schedule Search Controls
My Schedule always defaults to the current month/year as being viewed, all schedule items (both flights and events), and all/any acknowledgment status. The user may change the search control to change the schedule items being viewed.
See these related articles:
In addition to some backend integration improvements, some significant changes have been made to the FlightBridge Access and features.
Updated Trip iFrame
Avianis has removed the FlightBridge widget that previously displayed above the trip tabs. Users will now see a new tab for FlightBridge to the right of FuelerLinx. Click on the tab to launch the new iFrame and display the entire trip view in FlightBridge for that trip. Users can create services for any leg of the trip through this new interface which then syncs back to Avianis as a service like normal.
Handle All FlightBridge Services
With the new iFrame outlined in the previous item, ordering any services that FlightBridge offers are now possible. There are several new options available for booking including:
Airport Services
One thing to note is if FlightBridge supports new services moving forward that they do not support now, they will also automatically fall under this model.
NOTE: Contact FlightBridge @ if you would like to turn on the airline feature. They will turn it on and offer additional training. There is a $14 booking fee on these services, and they also offer a travel agent assistance if they want to talk to a travel agent, but it is also for a fee ($25).
See these related FlightBridge articles:
Setup FlightBridge
Dates and Increment Controls Separation
Previously, the increment (ratio of time to horizontal space, column) was tied to the range (amount of time being viewed). E.g. when viewing a ‘Month’ range, then the increment would display per half day. This change allows the users additional customization in their Schedule Board views.
Day View as One Column
You now have the ability to show a day in one column.
Quick Search
The Quick Search option now allows you to search only the fields which are displayed on the trip cards as defined by the Template.
Transient Information Changes
There are changes in how Avianis displays and generates the transient information on the Schedule Board. This applies to both Aircraft and Crew transient information.
Only Flights Reposition an aircraft and change the transient info.
Flights AND Events will reposition a Crew Member (if the event has a start/end airport).
The user will no longer display the transient information when the Crew Availability toggle is chosen as it no longer has context or value in the editing mode.
Transient objects no longer appear the same way as other flights and events and have a clear and distinct visual. This view will act as a background.
Departure/Arrival Comments
Departure/Arrival Comments are now available within the Flight Leg Templates (Schedule Board > Filters > Templates > Flight Legs) and, on the pop-over flight summary.
See these Related Schedule Board Articles:
Schedule Board: Filters
Schedule Board: Event Display Templates
Schedule Board: Crew Availability Views and Settings
Avianis updated the Feasibility Checks (as seen in the Trip Feasibility) to have the fleet assignment follow the values provided on the Representative Aircraft provided for that Fleet.
Removal of Maintenance
The Maintenance Tab was removed within the Vendor Aircraft Profiles.
Checks with New Alert Messaging for Fleets
Added feasibility checks that run similarly for Fleets / Representative Aircraft, but an alternate Alert message and severity are displayed. These checks include Airport Performance Checks, Flight and Distance Checks, and Passenger Count Checks.
Several feasibility checks will run exactly the same for Fleets / Representative Aircraft as they do for a My Company Aircraft assignment but deliver the same alerts/messaging.
There are also some checks which do not run for the Fleets / Representative Aircraft and will not return any alert or messaging, regardless of their status.
See these related Trip Feasibility articles:
APU Not Configured Warning on Vendor Aircraft
Doctor's name appearing in the Trip Feasibility
FRAT errors
Copy trip on Schedule is a Dead Click
Trip created from the quote into inactive stage
Getting Night hours cannot be greater than block time: When first adjusting Night Hours.
Moving a leg on the calendar not removing crew
User unable to add details/stops to GRND Service